Monday, September 26, 2011

"The Teacher"

Hey man, what's the plan what was that you said? [Read]

Funny how national socialists like to throw the "N" word around.

And what's pretty much becoming a standard practice when it suits their purposes prompted this email to the "Authorized Journalist" who filed the report:

Seems like a fair question to me, but what do I know about such lofty professional matters? We'll see if she responds.

We're the Only Ones Overzealous Enough

My favorite part of this story is actually the comment by disgusting police state apologist "kannemartin":
That traffic officer you want fired has worked tirelessly for years at KPD.
Yeah, and I'm sure she exhibited the same level of competence. Wonder how many innocents she victimized in her tirelessness...

And why the hell don't we know this incompetent disaster's name?

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

This was a total surprise.  I made sure to let all know that Mike Vanderboegh shared in it, as did many folks who, for now, must remain anonymous. 

So was this. Mike got one, too.

Actually, up until about a week ago, the fact that I was on the agenda to "speechify" was a surprise, too.

Thirdpower has a bunch of photos posted, here and here and here.

Dave Workman has a write-up.

The Gun Rights Policy Conference was a pretty cool event--got a chance to network with a lot of folks, meet and re-meet  a lot more, and importantly, participate in several foundational meetings regarding a Gunwalker documentary being undertaken by an established professional, Fleming "Tex" Fuller.  More on that to come. For an indication of what kind of access Tex is capable of getting, watch all four parts of "First Strike."

I'm particularly grateful to Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman. I'm very glad I finally made it to one of these.  What a lot of hard work and expenditures they put into this.

Hard Questions

Here's an easy one:

Why are you still calling this criminal conspiracy "a failed sting"?

Me Bitching Again

Read what Mike had to go through to make our latest story happen. Not just a mental ordeal, but a very real physical one for someone with his health conditions.  No hyperbole, that's the kind of stuff that could kill him.

I throw my hands up that a guy who  had to borrow money for gas to get home has thousands of regular readers, and the vast majority who receive regular value from his contributions seem utterly indifferent to his survival via a voluntary subscription or an occasional donation.

So who's going to fill the void if he cannot continue? 

The "Authorized Journalists" ignoring Gunwalker have T&E accounts and get their flights and hotel rooms and meals paid for--along with nice salaries, as well as broad and deep organizational resources.

We are bringing stories that no one else is.  Elite media still has not said word one about Indiana gunwalking or the chief counsel's email to Melson setting the stage for official whistleblower intimidation...hell, as far as they're concerned, this ain't even a scandal yet--and we'll see if our latest smoking gun reaches outside our limited readerships.

Plain and simple: It will not unless you share the links.

You  personally.

Breaking: Letter implicates ATF in committing straw purchases for Gunwalker

A letter forwarded on Friday by a proven reliable source to Gun Rights Examiner and Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars documents Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management authorizing the sale of firearms, which sources say were intended for delivery to cartel purchasers as part of the “Fast and Furious” / ”Gunwalker” scandal. [More]
Note the time of this post.  That after getting up early to finish the Gun Rights Policy Conference and then drive back home from Chicago--that's because Mike and I realize how important it is to keep giving the media documented stories to ignore.

I'm going to bed.