Friday, October 07, 2011

‘Wide Receiver’ CI: ‘It had nothing to do with Bush or even DOJ’

"The truth is that the first two AUSA's assigned to this case declined to prosecute it because ATF, ASAC, SAC and above, lied to him and told him that the guns were being followed on the other side of the border." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report takes on the latest bit of misdirection by the administration and its elite media co-conspirators.

Project GunTALKER

I'll be on High Caliber Radio today at 2:20 pm Eastern.  Click here and then on "Listen Live."

Good Idea

Folks, it is time to dog Obama's ass in public about the Gunwalker cover-up. Any and every Threeper, Second Amendment activist, Tea Partier, and unaffiliated patriot who can get a piece of cardboard and a magic marker ought to line the bus route and the speech venues of Obama with signs that say "Holder lied and people died!" or whatever other sentiment you wish convey related to the Gunwalker Plot. [More]
And don't forget to wear your shirt.

Seeking Financial Advice

Does this ever happen without devolving into chaos and war? [Read]

I guess if it's really the "worst in history," there's no precedent to go by...?

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Police: Brazen Teenage Gang Robbing Straphangers During Rush Hour
Armed With Box Cutters And At Least 1 Gun, 17-20-Year-Olds Causing Havoc [More]
If only we could have national standards for disarming you and me...and "home rule" until we can stop up all the "loopholes"...

Right You Are, Mr. Mencken

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats."  [Read]