Monday, October 24, 2011

The Number One Warning Sign

Kurt has more...[Read]

...on The Bloody Professor.

What a lunatic.  No wonder the usual gang of idiots at CSGV revere him so.

Will CA Senate ‘committee’ even mention Gunwalker in de León media stunt?

Think they’ll grill him about Gunwalker, and the part his team may have played in arming the very cartels this horse and pony show is pretending it’s interested in addressing?

As for the foreign contingent, do you think anybody will ask them about official police and military corruption in their respective nations?  Or about how near total citizen disarmament of the “law-abiding” is working out for them? Or about military weaponry used by the cartels?  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report dissects the agenda at a domestic and foreign enemies panel that will convene tomorrow in LA.

Invest in Fascism?

Tell me this is a joke... [Read]

And what's with the echoed fembot narration here? It's like promoters intentionally try to sound like a bad imitation of a future adventure movie...I expect to see Arnhole's skeleton  walk through the full body X-ray scanner any second now...

[Via Michael Dean]

Knife Rights News Slice

In this issue:
Knife Rights v. NYC / DA Vance Lawsuit Update
Boston Proposes Anti-Knife Ordinance
Save $5 Attending New York Custom Knife Show
Carry a Knife - Save a Life™
2012 National Knife Law Preemption Campaign
WIN Prizes in our 1st Annual Facebook Jack-O'-Lantern Contest [More]
Because keeping and bearing arms applies to knives as well as guns...

We're the Only Ones Justified Enough

Despite the video, the Police Department ruled Farmer's June 7 death justified, just as it had Sierra's other two shootings this year. [More]
Hey, isn't three a "spate"?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Welcome to the Party, Pal

And remember the name "Fast and Furious" because I predict you'll be hearing a lot about it in the days ahead. [More]
You don't say.

Still, I guess I should be appreciative that it's getting play there...

[Via William T]

Some Canadians

Some Canadians are alarmed that registered firearms users such as Styles have legal access to such weapons, which are considered "civilianized" models of modern military assault rifles.

Although these high-powered rifles are seldom used in crimes in Canada, many gun control advocates want them banned in the name of public safety. [More]
So if they're not a problem for public safety, why would "some Canadians" ban them?
Ryerson University professor Wendy Cukier, one of Canada's most prominent gun-control activists, says the public simply should not have access to guns designed as military weapons.

"Hunting rifles serve a legitimate purpose, and we don't object to people using handguns for target-shooting, but we draw the line on military assault weapons," she said.

"Civilians should not have access to military weapons."

Ah, the self-appointed final arbiter on what's legitimate, and the one who presumes to draw the line for others. Could anything be cukier than than Wendy? Aside from the fools who actually believe her?

This Day in History: October 24

Philadelphia, Oct. 24th, 1779.


I have the honor of informing your Excellency that by Gen'l Washington's letter, dated the 21st Inst., we learn that the Enemy have demolished and evacuated their posts at Stoney, and Verplank's, point and retreated to New York. [More]