Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Could Eric and Big Sis Possibly Have to Talk About?

From the Press Secretary, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, via email:
Last night on Fox Business News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight, Chairman Issa and Congressman Gowdy discussed yesterday’s Napolitano Judiciary Committee hearing where she testified that she’s never spoken with Attorney General Holder about Operation Fast and Furious even though one of her own agents, Brian Terry, died as a result of this reckless program.

Watch Issa and Gowdy here

Life's Been Good to Me So Far

Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: ‘Resign immediately and take responsibility’ for Operation Fast and Furious [More]

I met Walsh at the Gun Rights Policy Conference. I asked him if his Maserati does 185. Alan Korwin snickered and said he knew I was going to say that.

Cordiality established, I still think ousting Holder now is not advisable for reasons I went into here.


I'll bet that got their knickers in a wad. [Read]

The Fabric of Our Culture

I see no reason to purchase it at Jo-Ann's... [Read]

I would think the "gun culture" has more than its share of those who sew. Pass along to those who do that there must be other businesses more deserving...

How Do You Say "Gun-Grabber Talking Points"... Spanish? [Read]

I guess La Opinion decided amplifying Kevin de León''s voice furthers a mutual agenda...

Feelings...Nothing More Than Feelings...

It is my responsibility to make sure that city employees and residents are comfortable and can feel safe in city buildings. All city buildings will be posted with appropriate notices, indicating that it is illegal to carry weapons in city buildings. This will include the city’s bus shelters and transfer points, and park shelters. [More]
"Only Ones" exempted, I presume...?

So naturally, "Your Regressive Voice" considers this act of tyranny "professional, thorough"...

Hit it, Morris...

Mayor ends ‘Occupy Atlanta’ when Second Amendment exercised with First

The irony here is this is an example of the regressive collectivist left eating its own. It’s also an example of how their fear of even a militia of one is enough for them to forgo whatever “political capital” they perceive the protestors give them. They are the only ones (pun intended) “sabotaging the message.” And, unsurprisingly, Reed has no problem allowing those he does not trust with weapons to pay for his bodyguard. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  shows how much government fears just one armed man.  No wonder the thought of millions of us terrifies them so.