Friday, November 11, 2011

Somehow It Won't Surprise Me... learn that this is your and my fault. [Watch]

In a way, it is.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

‘Conservative’ case for Mitt Romney no case at all

Because elections are typically decided by a few percentage points, and a critical mass of gun owners simply will not hold their noses and vote for the guy.  In spite of the cajoling, in spite of having future Supreme Court nominees held over our heads, in spite of accusations that those who refuse to chip in to procure the campaign whore du jour being pimped by devoid- of- principle party apologists will bear responsibility for whatever politically transmitted disease follows. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary offers the simplest of solutions: It's called integrity.

We're the Only Ones Establishing a Pattern Enough

Altogether Savage has been the target of 22 internal investigations and has had 30 findings of misconduct--everything from conduct unbecoming, to insubordination to inappropriate use of authority.
While patrolling Vashon Island in 2009, Savage racked up so many complaints the Sheriff’s Office moved him off the island after just nine months.

“I don’t think it’s possible to understate how fearful these folks were,” said Vashon Defense Attorney Steve Mueller. [More]
So he's a domestic terrorist? And he's not too bright, either? I mean, people do some pretty desperate things when they're "fearful."  Especially when the source of that fear is, all things considered, a fairly easy target if they decide to control and channel their feelings into something else...

This one got me:
One of the recent cases involves a complaint that Savage told a teen he could sexually assault her with a pen and she couldn’t stop him.

If some fat f*** thug threatened one of my children this way, I'd be tempted to find out if the pen truly is mightier than the sword...

[Via Jeet]

Good Lord, That Was Painful to Listen To

Basically because it really sucks. [More]

But it also confirmed something those of us of not sleeping already knew about demented intentions of latter day domestic Bolsheviks.

Men Men Men Men, Manly Men Men Men!

A neat trick that, passing judgment on gun owners and men without consulting either...
The opening paragraph tells you all you need to know about the dishonest bias of this premise:
Guns are in the news every day in our society. They're the weapon of choice in countless "routine" homicides and mass murders. Motorcycle gang shootouts. Armed robberies. School shootings. Domestic violence rampages. Guns are a staple of our entertainment culture, a critical part of the story line in a seemingly endless number of TV shows, Hollywood films and video games. They're also the subject of ongoing and often acrimonious political debate. Guns -- and the violence they either inflict or seek to prevent --- are a major presence in our individual and collective psyches.
I guess citing even one potential instance where guns might be beneficial doesn't fit what they're trying to do here.

And what are they trying to do here?

Aside from the usual regressive subversion we've come to expect from anti-gun males, it would appear a good bit of posturing to mask the truth about themselves... 

A Sign of the Times

That tens of thousands of our countrymen will be willing to go along with this--and pay for the privilege--says much about their priorities.

Hey, check out the "Only One" who has a gun making sure you don't.   Now multiply this times up to 73,000+...I guess maybe you ought to plan to get there a couple hours early, just like at the airport? Yeah, Lt. Kevin Warych is qualified and trustworthy and you're not--he even has the super hero costume to prove it. Just like Tyler Peterson did.

Laughable lie:
We're insuring the safety of all fans coming to the game.

Insured for how much--should they fail?  Oh, they have no liability? Those are just words?