Monday, November 21, 2011

Alms for the Productive?

This is one of the reasons I get so prickly about credit where due.  The "Authorized Journalists" all get regular paychecks and T&E accounts.

If left to most readers, the mule working for them would drop dead from neglect.

And (as some did the last time I put out an appeal on his behalf) don't even leave a comment about how Mike should put ads on his site as a way to "pass the buck." By way of comparison, to show how that's no solution, this is what those near-useless space-wasters yield here:

Well, He Got the First Part Right

...made public by courageous whistleblowing federal agents and CBS News [More]
 Which first "made public" the story on Feb. 23, after much of this had already been "made public"...

What are Mike and I, chopped liver? Sure, I'm being self-serving.  But damn it, right is right.  And both Hedgecock and WND know better.

The Wall of Separation

What could go wrong? [Read]

Hey, I'm quite sure the Fourth Amendment doesn't say a word about "physiological signals"...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

Decisions, Decisions...

The National Rifle Association’s (NRA) decision on whether to endorse Democratic incumbent Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) or Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg (Mont.) could be the deciding factor in what is expected to be a close contest.  [More]

Let's see....

Did Tester endorse Barack Obama?

And did he (and another Montana NRA darling, Max Baucus) support Eric Holder's nomination?

How about Sonia Sotomayor's...(again, with that other Montana NRA darling)?

Elena Kagan's...(with darling Max again)?

Did he (and darling) even go so far as to put partisanship above any semblance of morality and duty, and back citizen disarmament enthusiast Cass Sunstein?

Why is this even a fricking issue?

Ecce Homo

Man throws aluminum water bottle at UC Berkeley student’s face [More]
That's not a man.

We're the Only Ones "To Grandmother's House We Go" Enough

Wait a minute--that's not the Big Bad Wolf--that's just Sadie!!! [Read]

Funny, how in the furtherance of their "public/private partnership," the "Authorized Journalists" tell us the names of everyone involved except the badged gangbangers.

Vanderboegh: Newsweek white supremacist story hides mention of PATCON

Newsweek’s just-published éxpose on a mole’s infiltration of white supremacists purposely omits all mention of PATCON, the Federal Bureau of investigation’s undercover investigation of the “patriot conspiracy” movement, an exclusive Sipsey Street Irregulars analysis charges. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report posts the first in a series of documents and reports from Mike Vanderboegh that expose what the "Authorized Journalists" will not.