Monday, November 28, 2011

Technical Difficulties

UPDATE: Thanks all. No need for any more feedback on this. Except, perhaps from the guy who merely said "Scribd sucks" and had no superior alternative to suggest.

Do me and Mike a favor?

Go here and see if you can get the Scribd document to appear.

Then see if you can get it to appear as embedded at the end of Mike's post.

Hopefully the issues are worked out and it will display in Firefox and IE. As for other browsers, I don't have 'em so I can't test for that.

Armed American Radio: 11/27

Laryngitis precluded my participation in last night's program, so host Mark Walters kindly handled the Gunwalker segment solo as the last segment of Hour 1.  Here's the whole show--listen at your leisure.
  • Hour 1: "News, commentary, emails, more commentary, great subject matter…I don’t want to give it away here…go listen!  Enjoy!"
  • Hour 2: "American hero, combat medic and author, Patrick Thibeault…Gotta love the hero’s!  Later in this hour, noted women’s firearm expert and trainer, Kathy Jackson."
  • Hour 3: "The Roundtable.  Kathy Jackson sticks around and grabs a seat with firearm expert George Hill, the Mad Ogre, Mark and Sean.  Topics all over the map, emails, current events, etc!  A fun one. Enjoy!"

And tell your friends about this show, every Sunday night from 8:00 to 11:00 pm Eastern/ 5:00 to 8:00 pm Pacific. It brings essential information you won't get anywhere else, and the thought just struck, it could be especially useful for gun owners who don't read blogs.

Hot in Cleveland

Went out on the back porch with the Missus for my daily Scrabble butt-whomping, turned on the TV to have something to do while waiting for her to come up with her next totally-attributable-to-girl-luck seven-letter layout on a triple word score, i.e., her MO, and Bonanza was on, the episode where Hoss befriends a couple of nuns who get their hospital fund money stolen by robbers.

Anyway, the promotional overlay in the bottom left corner struck me as pretty funny.  It was either find something to laugh about or cry at the 100+ point difference in scores...

All the Web ID I Need

As much as some would like to change that--using the tired, old "crime prevention" con to perpetrate their control scam.

Radioactive 302s & Black Bag Jobs.

UPDATE: The temporarily deactivated post is now back up.

The latest PATCON exclusive from Sipsey Street Irregulars... [Read]

How did Sen. Feinstein get ATF gun trace data in violation of Tiahrt Amendment?

Persons within the Department of Justice whose identities are not yet publicly known apparently broke the law by leaking firearms trace data to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, which she introduced in the Senate Judiciary Committee record in the hearing on Department of Justice oversight earlier this month. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner asks a question with only two possible answers: Was this leading anti-gunner abetting a violation of law by DOJ, or was she their dupe?

The only way we'll get an answer to these is if you help bang pots and pans to demand them so loudly it cannot be ignored.  Share the link?

Note to the Thai Royals

Y'all are really asking for the Streisand Effect with this one...[Read]

After seeing this, I'm not so much interested in insulting them as expressing solidarity with any freedom-minded Thais who would like to alter and abolish those destructive to the ends of freedom.

Lese-majesty my...foot.

Uniform National Standards

Let me guess: "Shall not be infringed" isn't in the running? [Read]

News Flash!

RINOs are gutless and have no principles! [Read]

This Day in History: November 28

Your Excellency's letter on the discriminations which have been heretofore made, between the troops raised within this state, and considered as part of our quota, and those not so considered, was delivered me four days ago. I immediately laid it before the Assembly, who thereupon came to the resolution I now do myself the honor of enclosing you. [More]