Thursday, December 01, 2011

I Got Mine

Obama: My kids will succeed, even if USA doesn't [More]
Will yours?

And has any president ever talked this way?

Sheriff’s arrest shows need is for self control, not control of others

...Sullivan was a major proponent of citizen disarmament, the demand that law enforcement official like him—who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and whose department was a recipient of “war on drugs” largesse—should be the “only ones” society trusts as sound enough to keep and bear modern firearms. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner commentary wonders why it is some people don't trust others.

Not really.

Showing Solidarity with the Workers of the World

"It's so contaminated, it doesn't even make sense to sort it out," said Jose "Pepe" Garcia, 49, superintendent of the city's north central sanitation district. [More]
Kind of gives you a preview of what the regressives will do with the rest of the Republic once the mob bosses take over...

Pepe ought to challenge Tony to  come out of his walled fortress and help clean up a situation he encouraged and enabled before he turned on them after deciding their presence was no longer politically advantageous.

Christie Blows Any Chance for National Political Ambitions

I believe that each state should have the right to make firearms laws as they see fit. [More]
I never did think this redeemed him enough to override this.

Or that middlemen should be used to funnel NRA "Political Victory Fund" contributors' money his way.

A Nuisance Suit

Too bad they didn't put a bullet into this Jesse Dennis Dimwit animal.  Maybe he can sue me for libel. [Read]

That All Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "Man" Is

Unknown man walks up to woman, punches her [More]
No, a "man" wouldn't do that.

I note they properly classified her escort, who evidently did nothing about it, as "a male friend."

Excellent Questions

Sources claim the Department of Justice has been trying for almost a year to hide the key information — how the rip crew knew the shipment was coming through that night. [More]
Yeah--how did they know?  And why did Justice try to hide it?

An Informed Prediction?

Eric Holder will no longer be Attorney General of the United States.  That-that is – you’ll see that happen soon now.  Very soon. [More]

My fear--and I understand I'm not alone--is that "White House Insider" is Ulsterman having a public Smeagol/Gollum conversation with himself. Perhaps that's unfair and I owe him an apology, but I just have no way to vet this, so if I post anything from his site, assume a Caveat Emptor attached.

There are benefits to anonymity.  But ain't nothin' free. This is one of the costs. And yes, I acknowledge  critics could say the same when Vanderboegh or I present information from anonymous sources, and can only point to our track record for any doubters.

It's a nice piece actually, and he does it well--he's a good writer.  And what he paints seems plausible.

But I hesitate to use him as a source because of that suspicion, and if it comes out he's putting us on and we've been promoting him, the enemy will point out what dupes we were and use it to distract from everything we ever have said or will say.

NY gun show sting announcement full of sound and fury, signifying opportunity

But no matter—Schneiderman has a chance to gin up some media hysteria and get his name out there for current and future political utility. And of course to use this to demand an end to all private sales, including in your state. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column reports on a self-serving publicity stunt.  And your rights be damned.