Friday, December 02, 2011


“I am so personally outraged by Senator Grassley’s falsehoods,” former Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke wrote in an email regarding the allegation that a weapon connected to the ATF operation was found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. “It is one of the lowest acts I have ever seen in politics.” [More]
We already knew Burke was a liar. Now  we know Ryan J. Reilly is, too.

And check out the congregation of regressive trolls who comprise the bulk of the TPM Muckraker commenting audience. What a bunch of hateful, inconsequential assholes.

Holder's Friday Night Dump

...Operation Fast and Furious, the flawed law enforcement initiative aimed at dismantling major arms trafficking networks on the Southwest border. [More]
What a bunch of crap.  The "Authorized Journalists" at the Associated Press are playing their part well.

But in the interests of justice, Justice is making "a rare exception" we are told.

Somebody break out the Glade...?

ATF memo describes operation designed to get guns to Mexico

“The most important observation of Styers is that the ATF end of this operation was by all law enforcement standards set up to fail,” Vanderboegh said in a phone conversation with this reporter moments ago.  “Indeed, it seems Styers’ opinion was that this was designed to be a necessary fail. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner tells the rest of the story, including: Proof of ICE involvement, details of agents ordered off surveillance while perps escape, and being ordered to trace unrecovered firearms for later matching up. Think of what that means.

This is big stuff, further proof of opportunities for "mere bloggers" to go where corporate media will not, and it's the only place where you can see the actual memo itself.

Please share this link if you agree.

We're the Only Ones "Be Prepared!" Enough

Dozens of Teenage Boy Scout Explorers Have Been Sexually Abused by Cops...[More]

Forget that bit about "morally straight"--and as for "law"...Trustworthy: not on your life; Loyal: Hah; Helpful: to ourselves; Friendly: in a way; Courteous: if by that you mean catching flies with honey; Kind: Happy Meal's on me; Obedient: yes, you will be; Cheerful: you bet; Thrifty: hey, it's cheaper than real dating; Brave: it's useful if they think that; Clean: that should wash off; and Reverent: Oh God, YESSS!

Hey, if they pervert this oath, why wouldn't we expect them to befoul all others?

[Via mahalo]

Supreme Court punts on right to carry

Without comment, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case of Masciandaro v. US, which asked if the Second Amendment “protect[s]a right to possess and carry a firearm for self-defense outside the home.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary tells you where you can find out more.

We're the Only Ones Dogging You Enough

...but Storm has done much more good than bad during his time with the department. [More]
Even their dogs are better than us.

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

All You Need to Know

The prosecutor added that constitutional issues "should not be considered." [More]
You can't bring up the Constitution! This is a court of law! (Just ask Wayne Fincher.)

Similar "logic":
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

All they need to know:
We shall overcome.

[Via Carl S]

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past...


What are they prepared to do about it should someone ignore their stupid sign?

Or if there's no glass to tape it to?

Aaron called such thinking "bagel brained."  And encouraged us to think of the consequences.

As Seen Over at Fox

These are the choices they're allowing us to have. Looks like Fox News is bound and determined to help the Stupid Party lose.