Wednesday, February 01, 2012

There Oughtta be a Law!

Cornelius was arrested in 2008 for beating up his wife. He pled no contest to misdemeanor domestic violence and was placed on 3 years probation. His probation just terminated. [More]
True, but his Lautenberg disability didn't.

The Prime Directive

All new this season, American Trigger Sports Network (ATSN) presents “Stop the Threat”, hosted by James B. Towle along with a round table of expert guest panelists as they analyze dramatic reenactments of life-threatening, real crime scenes and how to prepare for the unexpected. [More]
Upcoming shows include situations involving joggers, co-workers, car-jackers...

I don't have DirecTV or Dish Network--I'll ask James if they'll be selling DVDs.

‘No Fifth Amendment Theater’ in tomorrow’s Holder hearing

Compound this with a return shot from Committee Democrats attempting to absolve their administration allies, an outraged response from Sen. Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and yesterday’s stunning, knives-are-out ultimatum by Issa to charge stonewalling Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt of Congress, and it would appear an opportunity to show the American people an ongoing cover-up happening before their eyes may be lost.

And perhaps not. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes following a plan by the numbers may not always be theatrical.

How Much for a Case?

Two researchers at Sandia's National Laboratories created a self-guided dart-like bullet able to strike a target more than a mile away. [More]
You know, the same people who gave us this obscene nonsense under the rationale that "Only Ones" were having their guns taken away from them, so we needed to put electronic disablers on your and my guns...

Any bets on whether or not the citizen militia envisioned by the Founders as "necessary to the security of a free State" will have such ammunition denied to them? And they say there are no stupid questions...

Years back I wrote a magazine article on technology being developed for use by a federal standing army that is increasingly bringing it to a domestic "front" of the government's creation--technology denied to "We the People," and the danger that the Second Amendment could be rendered obsolete unless the definition of  "arms" evolves with the times. I ended it repeating the observation that a battle isn't won until a man with a rifle occupies the ground, and noted someone probably once said the same thing abut spears.

So what am I saying? I'd deny every advantage to "our" troops?

Of course not. I just want to make sure the "necessary" ones have every advantage, too.

[Via  W3]

Freedom, Freedom, Fre-edom...

Just remember that some talking heads mouthing words we long to hear do so mechanically, as controlled and directed, and with no real conviction...for a reason.

We're the Only Ones Cutting Through Enough

Fitchburg woman and daughter 'terrified' as saw rips down door after getting wrong address in drug sweep [More]
These clowns obviously need further training--they let the terrified urinating puppy live.

Say--if you terrorize, doesn't that make you a...?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Electrifying Enough

"He just tried to walk away. She never gave him a reason," Babcock said.

The ranger shot Hesterberg in the back with her shock weapon as he walked off... [More]

And the Authoritarian Pole-Smoking Award goes to:
Workman has more.

[Via Steve T]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

A wheelchair-bound pensioner said to fear having his gun licence revoked was found dead last night after a 12-hour-standoff that left one police officer injured. [More]
Didn't we talk just yesterday about a new assault RV on our side of the pond that asks "Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?"  Not all Brits have been neutered and spayed.

Meanwhile, over in comments, people are coping with Lucy:

Considering the name of her group, add an apostrophe to "mas" and that's pretty unintentionally funny there. Thing is, ol' impossible to cope with Lucy has actually done us a service here, in terms of documenting the true goal of gungrabbers everywhere, in spite of their accusations of paranoia because "nobody is trying to take away your guns."

Of course they are.  And they always have. Which is why they lie.

Fortunately, based on comment reactions, it looks like even among Daily Mail readers, people aren't buying it.

[Via DMJ]

This Day in History: February 1

On February 1, 1780, when he and other officers signed an appeal to Washington for relief from the depreciated paper currency and made a denunciation of profiteers, he signed as ensign of the 4th New York Regiment. (24) The "alarming Depreciation of the Currency" which made it so difficult for the officers to live, particularly those with families, and the neglect of the State of New York to alleviate their "wants and sufferings" caused the officers of the New York Continental Regiments to tender their resignations to General Washington on February 1, 1780. [More]