Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Traver ‘up or down’ vote must include Fast and Furious answers

"For instance, there are email responses from the Chicago Field Division with a tag line about never quitting based on the SEAL ethos. A source identifies this as coming from Andrew Traver, who has been nominated by President Obama to be the Bureau’s director. That would place him directly in the decision-making loop on the 'Gunwalker' response." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  reminds us to ask some questions before asking for a vote.

And Now You Know...

...the rest of the story. [Read]

Good job digging for the backstory, but y'know, it really doesn't matter to me.

If I didn't do it, don't blame me for it. Don't use your loss to attack me. I can't think of a quicker way to destroy any natural sympathy and replace it with enmity.

Gun Bill Update

From Oregon Firearms Federation: Please pass this link along to all gun activists in Oregon and urge them to act. [Read]

The ABCs of Hard-Hitting Gunwalker Reporting

See, that's why intrepid investigators  like Jason Ryan here are"Authorized Journalists" worthy of a national media forum.  The rest of us clumsily covering this just don't have the sense of proportion to grok what's truly relevant and important about this story that people need to be informed about.

We mere bloggers can quit now--Jason's got all the essentials covered.

Assignment Vanderboegh

What an offensive premise this Morlin character starts with. [Read]

As always, I'm jealous. Hell, I bet I hate every bit as much as Mike does.

One Ring to Rule Them All...

...One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. [Read]

Imported from Detroit

The all-new 2012 Militia, built tough and built to last. [Read]

When you see urban denizens making statements like "We got to have a little Old West up here in Detroit. That’s what it’s gonna take,” see how self-defense is enjoying unprecedented popularity because it works, and note how the whole concept of the "Only Ones" is viewed as "a joke," perhaps hope for a resurgence of some sort is not entirely futile.

[Via Ed D]

We're the Only Ones "If You Think You're Depressed NOW" Enough

A depressed Army reservist who made a phone call for help says dozens of police responded by surrounding his home and arresting him, vandalizing and searching his place without a warrant, seizing his dog and killing his tropical fish. [More]
Let us know how else we can help!

[Via Michael G]

A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

And, I mean, I can only speak to the reporting, but people all the way up to the attorney general knew what was going on.” [More]
Here's the thing: If the federal "intelligence" apparatus is so finely tuned they can swoop down on a British tourist tweeting jokes from "Family Guy," what do you think the odds are they would be oblivious to an unfolding story that threatens to reach into the top levels of the administration? And how is it some guy in Alabama and another one in Ohio were getting and documenting all kinds of continually-corroborated information--for months--while the subjects of their reports remained blissfully unaware?

[Via Bob Owens]

The Happy Truth

For gun-control proponents, the sad truth is that no effective gun-control measure has even a remote possibility of being enacted in the next Congress. Republicans, who regardless of what Obama does, are certain to maintain their majority in the House... [More]
But some would have you believe if you don't abandon all principle and vote for Mitt Romney, the destruction of the Republic will all be your fault!

And in terms of court appointments--the Senate doesn't have to approve anyone.  If another Kagan or Sotomayor is offered up, tell yours to just say no--or else.  Which mean, tell NRA you expect them to give any "pro-gun Democrat" who approves an anti-gun nominee an automatic "F," because, in truth, anyone who would support someone that destructive to RKBA deserves it.

Buyer's Remorse

Land bought the six-acre tract in 1991 and later built a private, recreational shooting range on the back two-thirds of his property. He began firing machine guns on the property around 1996, a few years before developers starting building Stonegate, a community of 260 homes nearby. [More]
Game, set and match--in a rational world.

Here's something I'd like to know:
Another firearms expert hired by neighbors, however, found that the danger of stray bullets "poses an unacceptable safety hazard" to residents.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/02/07/2991042/neighbors-challenge-gunowner-in.html#storylink=cpy
I'd love to find out who this quisling is so the firearms community could shun him.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/02/07/2991042/neighbors-challenge-gunowner-in.html#storylink=cpy

The 1.4 Million Mobster March

There Are 1.4 MILLION Gang Members In The United States And More Pour Into The Country Every Single Day [More]
Well, there's only one thing to do--after we disarm you and me: Let's hold a candlelight vigil!

[Via Skip]