14 and Rising

We can make this #1 you know.

I do find it curious that many who urged us to spend time and money at neutral Starbucks have been utterly silent on this, which can be done in mere moments and is free.

Have you done anything yet?

‘Operation #EFAD’ using social media to send anti-tyranny message

  • First, you don’t need a Kindle device. An application that lets you read ebooks on a PC is available as a free download at Amazon. Likewise, they offer a free app for the Mac.
  • Once you have the program installed, simply go to Amazon’s EFAD page and download your free book.
  • Then do one other thing: Spread the word. To everyone. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report lets you download a great book for free, and send a message to the government and media about Fast and Furious and other outrages. It includes an interview with author Matthew Bracken. Your help is needed to make his project go viral.

You Big Radical, You

"Some of these gun activists are a big radical," said Spencer, R-Woodbine. [More]
Guilty, but I can't help wonder if he actually said "bit."

In re "death threats," I will be interested to see exactly what was said--there's a difference between citing Thomas Jefferson's "tree of liberty" quote to make a point and flat out saying "I'm going to kill you," and another difference between being threatened and feeling threatened.

Maybe she really was--but here's another assumption I wouldn't automatically make:
Purcell expressed surprise that she would be targeted by gun-rights advocates.

Maybe they're not--really. Maybe they're big radicals of another stripe altogether.

That Seems Pretty Presumptuous

House OKs deadly force for gun owners [More]
So permission is theirs to give?

Andrew Breitbart RIP

Shocking. Only 43. He leaves a wife and four kids.   [Read]

Without Inhibition

The retreat means gunrunners can once again stock up in Virginia without inhibition and then deal guns in neighboring states where sales are more restricted. [More]
Yeah, if they want to, you know, break the law against straw purchasing/lying on a 4473, break the law against knowingly selling to prohibited persons, break the law against interstate transfers without an FFL, break the laws of other states, break th...

Oh, I see.  You guys don't really think more "laws" will stop the bad guys, do you?

You just like to spread unfounded hysteria among the ignorant in order to advance your agenda--kind of creepy and downright psychopathic, though, the way you're able to do that without inhibition...

The Foundation of Peace

James Laki from the Peace Foundation Melanesia told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat it is time there were explicit international laws. [More]
I'm trying to figure out what the "354,523 United States casualties (106,207 killed, 248,316 wounded and missing)" was all about, if not freedom...

We're the Only Ones Resigned Enough

Two Metro police officers arrested on DUI charges in separate incidents have submitted their resignations. [More]
Just a few fermented apples...

[Via Carl S]

The Cutting Edge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Gilbert, Arizona, February 29, 2012: Knife Rights, America's premiere organization dedicated to defending the right to own and use knives and edged tools, today announced the launch of its 2012 Ultimate Steel™ Knives, Guns & More Spectacular - a unique fundraiser offering participants the chance to win incredible prizes including one-of-a-kind knives, firearms, gear, and more - all for a donation as small as $20. [More]

We're the Only Ones Framing Enough

Two Richmond police officers, angered by an investigation into their off-duty security company, tried to frame their supervisor by having him lured into an extramarital affair, federal prosecutors say. [More]
Kind'a makes you wonder who else they might have been inclined to frame over the years...

[Via Kevin Starrett]

We're the Only Ones Judgmental Enough

Under Georgia law, judges are allowed to carry a concealed weapon on the bench...Barrett told the woman she was "killing her case" and pulled out his gun and, feigning to offer it to her, said, "You might as well shoot your lawyer"... [More]
Nice to know his judgment is "officially" considered superior to ours, and that's backed by armed force of law. Maybe he was channeling Jack Warden in "...And Justice for All."

[Via  William T]

One Year in Hell

Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.[More]
I've been offered an opportunity to review this online course and look forward to finding the time over the next few weeks.  Interesting concept, getting an education from someone who went through an extended SHTF existence, and lived to tell us how he did it and what he learned...

In the mean time, I do note they discussed it over at WRSA a while back.

The Wrong Questions

The amendment would allow insurers and employers to opt out of any provision in the president's health care law to which they object on moral or religious grounds. [More]

Besides, individuals don't matter.

Mr.  Pynchon...?

Republicans: Helping make Democrat tyranny more palatable since...like, forever.