Monday, March 19, 2012

Vanderboegh Medical Update

He had a rough night last night and is exhausted.  Evidently he got up in the middle of the night completely out of it and was taking tubes out of himself and wandering the hall.  The good news is they did some sort of test on him and he's not leaking.

It's a tough balance--he wants back into things and that acts as a great motivator, but there is only so much he can do--a spirit is willing but flesh is weak kind of dilemma.

I repeat: Hold up on emails and Sipsey Street comments. The guy already has more than enough to exhaust himself with.

Mask coming off coordinated administration deception on guns

Still, the deceivers--including "Authorized Journalist," entertainment media and public education co-conspirators--have done an unintentional service for proponents of the right to keep and bear arms: By their own words they have discredited citizen disarmament proponents who do their bidding. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an unintended consequence the treasonous liars have given us that is just begging to be exploited.

Fun 'n Gun

"Kick[ing] off Spring with a bang" in Ohio...[Read]

The Wearin' o' the Green

Gunfire erupted as throngs were celebrating a mild St. Patrick’s Day along a downtown canal in Indianapolis, and at least five teenagers were wounded, two critically, police said.  [More]

I want to share some comparative revelry: I had me gun-owning relatives over and the [Irish heritage] wife prepared corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and soda bread. 

Well, we opened up some bottles for a wee nip and did a bit o' celebratin', and me with all kinds o' guns includin' assault weapons available--the kind that some would call weapons o' war with no legitimate purpose but to kill as many people as possible while spray firing from the hip mowing down innocents with that shoulder thing that goes up...and guess what happened?

We all had a lovely time, and enjoyed each others' conversation and companionship.

The Cutting Edge

The Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee hearing on SB432 will be Tuesday, March 20th. SN432 is Knife Rights' Knife Law Preemption bill that would repeal all local knife ordinances more restrictive than state law...Once again, we need your help to get this bill passed. [More]
Shred that patchwork quilt.

Imposing Fundamentalist Beliefs Under Force of State Arms

"It was the most terrifying day of my life," Goddard said...

"It will greatly increase the number of shootings, the number of bullets flying on a college campus. I fundamentally don't believe guns have a place on a college campus," Goddard said. [More]
No it won't. Notice he doesn't cite all those off-campus incidents where his fears have come true. "Gun free zones" are what attract monsters.  Note his fellow brainwashees, the "Authorized Journalists" refer to him as an "anti-violence advocate," even though his "solution" guarantees continuation of exact opposite results.

Don't worry, Colin.  Just get behind Alyssa here. She'll protect you from the bad men.

[Via Mack H]

Public Stigma

That's what they want. [More]

The Attorney Brainwasher says he wants gun owners "cowering" like cigarette smokers.

Not me:
I am a gun owner and I live a gun owner lifestyle.

I don't know if I was born with a tendency to be this way, or if it was an acquired disposition. All I know is, I don't see why I should be forced to change. Truth be known, I like owning guns, and am happy with who I am. I hope I suffer no repercussions by "coming out of the safe," but I just can't hide the truth any longer.

We gun owners have been living and working among you. Our kids go to school with yours. We may be your doctor, or minister, or your child's teacher. We may even work in city administration, or the courts, or on the police force. And we are sick of being abused for simply being who we are, all because of hoplophobic prejudice and fear. We don't see any reason why we should have to put up with it any more.

In your face, monopoly of violence bigots!

Meanwhile, Over in the Halls of Higher Learning...

Student leaders fear funding for gun storage could come from tuition [More]

Do these brainwashees really think that's "the price" they'll pay "to keep weapons out of classrooms"?

A New York Minute

If you live there, take one and do this. [Read]

How to Stop East Bay Violence

Spurred by former Supervisor Mary King, Alameda County outlawed firearms on county property in response to concerns about a spate of gun-related violence across the East Bay at the time. [More]
Oh, well, as long as there was a spate, that seems like a pretty good reason for monopoly of violence extremists not to trust you and me.

[Via Dave Licht]

We're the Only Ones Broadcasting Enough

Our sources say it was on an open channel that could be heard by not only the 30 to 35 officers working that precinct. But by anybody with a police scanner. [More]
Good grief.

[Via William T]

Why, Oh Why?

Why the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives did not arrest Celis-Acosta immediately is not clear. He was their prime suspect and the subject of secret wiretaps approved by the Department of Justice. [More]
Yeah, gee, that's a real mystery, that is.

Oh, I know!  Because if we let him go and make no attempt to follow, we'll catch the big fish!

Do you believe there are actually right wing conspiracy theorists who are so paranoid they don't buy that explanation?

Evidence Submission

...the pistol stampede is snowballing everywhere...letting multitudes walk around with deadly killing power...The ban on carrying mow-'em-down assault weapons was dropped...[More]

Yep. Brainwashees, all right.

EFAD Radio

Matt Bracken will join Janine Turner today in the 1:00 pm Central hour--he thinks around 1:40. You can listen live here.

This Day in History: March 19

March 19, 1780 Marion at a party at Tradd St. Jumped out window and broke leg or ankle. [More]