Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We're the Only Ones Terminating the First Amendment Enough

Forget it Jake, it's ChiTown. [Read and Watch]

I love it when "Authorized Journalists" and "Only Ones" collide.

Workman has more.

The God Virus

Skip Coryell has published a new novel: Basic premise--the lights have gone out.

Watch an ad for "The God Virus" here.

Read the first five chapters here.

Days of Thunder

This week, American Trigger Sports Network features:
Thunder Tactical Shooters-Strong Hand, Weak Hand & Malfunction Training

Hosted at Thunder Gun Range in Conroe, Texas [More]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Here's another story that came out last year that I just ran across.  My suggestion, if you don't want to get really PO'd: Don't click here.

[Via Skip]

Physician, Heal Thyself

I'm getting emails asking if I've heard anything about new gun questions being asked by doctors as a result of Obamacare, as a new Medicare tactic for elderly suicides, and by the VA to determine if veterans are a danger to themselves and others.

I haven't had time to track any of these rumors down, so if anyone has heard anything definitive and can provide validating links or copies of new forms, please let me know.

In the mean time, if any doctor does engage in a boundary violation, ask him to fill out the embedded form for your medical record.

A Taxing Problem

A spokesman for the AG explains that the siblings "weren't aware of the initial missed payments, which happened in the last months of their mother's life when she was battling illness." [More]
This story is actually almost a year old, but I just ran across it and think it illustrates something about this character who is so quick to run our lives while neglecting the ones he should be paying attention to. Every time this f***er gets caught, he doesn't know a damn thing.

My parents are elderly. My Dad is incapacitated. My Mom is overwhelmed.  We kids take it on ourselves to involve ourselves in their bills and finances--as well as everything else--to make sure they're taken care of. There are no surprises. Just this morning I was on the phone with a wheelchair provider. Last week I was coordinating some documentation for their 401K. My brother is doing their taxes.  My sister flies in from AZ every several weeks.  My other sister...you get the picture. 

How the hell do you have your mother battling an illness in the last months of her life and remain deliberately indifferent to the fact that the basics aren't even being watched?  Particularly if you have the wealth and resources the Brainwasher General enjoys? 

Damn leftists--they're all crocodile tears for the--what do they call them now?--"underserved,"as long as it's your money they can do it with and someone else they can order to carry things out.

Just Say No

The brainwashing is strong in these young ruminants. [Read]

What they seem to be missing is they aren't being offered a choice.

We're the Only Ones Perceptive Enough

"It's because of the perception that exposure to human and narcotics smugglers is a bad thing for the visiting public," said Matthew Vandzura, chief ranger at the monument on the Mexican border. [More]
Gee, Matthew, ya think? So it's a perception issue?  And now we can feel safe?

I don't suppose us non-"Only Ones" with our own "assault rifles and other weapons" would sit too well with your perception of things?


You know, leftist hypocrisy.

When a national socialist does it, only the right complains.

Let one of us do it, and the politically-motivated fake indignation is enough to make them break off all that goose-stepping and Sieg Heiling and do the ol' Donald Sutherland body-snatcher scream?

No Brainee to Washee

A comment left here made me think of this.

I may just have to put together one of my childish Fauxtoshops...

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike.  Yesterday was a rough day.  He has done some limited posting over at Sipsey Street, released some comments and answered some emails.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I repeat: Hold off on that stuff.  Those of us who know Mike know he'll crawl over broken glass to do what he has to, and we shouldn't be requiring it of him.

If you want to be helpful, send him your best wishes in a card.  From my post-op report:
Support can still be sent via the donation button at Sipsey Street Irregulars, and to   P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126...Cards can be sent to him via Trinity Medical Center, 800 Montclair Road, Birmingham, AL 35213.

This Day in History: March 20

The only public intelligence I have to communicate, is that the great and progressive depreciation of the paper currency had introduced such disorder and perplexity into public affairs, for the present, and threatened to load the United States with such an intolerable burden of debt, that Congress have thought it expedient to convert the 200,000,000 of dollars now in circulation into a real debt of 5,000,000, by establishing the exchange at 40 for 1...[More]