Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is call to investigate New Black Panthers doomed from the start?

To which the...readership weighed in, in column comments and on social media sites where the link was shared, with a not unexpected reaction:  Basically, don’t hold my breath—nothing will come of it. It will be ignored. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks what would have happened if those pursuing the truth in Fast and Furious had listened to the naysayers at the beginning and at every step along the way.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

I just called him because typically he's called me by now and he hasn't posted at Sipsey Street yet today.

He's groggy right now but says he intends to post today. He also tells me they got a recliner yesterday.

The Cutting Edge

March 26, 2012: Knife Rights' Georgia Knife Preemption Bill SB432 must be scheduled for a vote in the next three days or it will not become law.

It is critical for you to take a moment and call the office of Georgia's Speaker of the House David Ralston and POLITELY request that he "please schedule SB432 for a vote as soon as possible." That's all the message you need to leave.

Georgia House Speaker David Ralston: 404-656-5020
Email: david.ralston@house.ga.gov [More]
If you're from Georgia, do it and pass it on. Now.

And Don't You Forget It!

USA Buys Enough Guns in 3 Months to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Army [More]
And that's from 2009. This is from four days ago.

Damn 'Stand Your Ground' Laws!

Investigators say a South Florida father shot and killed a man who was swinging a piece of wood at his wife and children. [More]
Not again!

Why couldn't they have all been killed, like Bloomberg, Schumer, the Bradys and all the rest of the screaming hoplophobes demand?

We're the Only Ones People vs. You Enough

Senate approves bill to arm retired prosecutors [More]
Well 2A says "the right of the people," and that's who they represent, right...? Besides, the judges do it.

Another Notch for Mike Lupica

We may never know everything that happened between Zimmerman and Martin... [More]

Which is proof that Mike Lupica doesn't know everything that happened now, but he still presumes to dictate we all be like "New York, which has the toughest and best gun laws in the country."

Of course he knows better. But like all fanatics, if he faces the truth, he'll have to face truths about himself.

Better to blame "America's gun culture."

Nice to see ol' Mike is still posting Gravity's Rainbow polls. What a dishonest wretch.  And the New York Daily News lets him get away with it--hell, they love it.

[Via W3]

We're the Only Ones Refusing Enough

The Waterbury police department has been refusing permits against the clear intent of the state legislature. [More]
Well, yeah, but that's because if you're armed, Waterbury "Only Ones" wouldn't be able to do this to you.

Besides, we all know Connecticut cops in general are just plain more trustworthy than the rest of us.

[Via William T]

The Political Brain

...assault weapons whose sole purpose is to hunt humans...[More]
Drew Westen is a professor of psychology at Emory University and the author of “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation.”
OK, Brainy. Decide.

Using Gross Logic

We can begin by making our voices heard to defeat the George Zimmerman Armed Vigilante Act. [More]

If we're going to do guilt by association (remembering no legal guilt for Zimmerman has been established at this time), then Minister King Samir "Kill Some Crackers and Their Babies" Shabazz is the Brady Campaign.

After all, just like Dan Gross & Co., the King's court rushes to judgment without all the facts under the promise that "No Guns" will "Stop the Killing!"

As an aside, if Gross is the best the Bradys can do, that's just wonderful.  So far their vaunted new advertising professional is making Paul Helmke look like the paragon of effectiveness.

This Day in History: March 27

Gen Washington writes that a failure of bread has already commenced in the army, and that for any thing he sees, it must unavoidably increase. Meat they have only for a short season and as the whole dependance is on provisions now to be procured, without a shilling for the purpose, and without credit for a shilling, I look forward with the most pungent apprehensions. [More]