Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bloomberg reeks of hypocrisy on ‘stand your ground’ laws

Mr. Mayor, do your armed bodyguards have a duty to retreat? If not, using your own “logic,” how is that not a "license to murder"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at the two faces of Mike--as if only one isn't stomach-turning enough.

We're the Only Ones Letting It Drop Enough

An off-duty Omaha police officer dropped his gun and accidentally shot himself at his home Wednesday morning... [More]
I guess NE doesn't issue any of these.

[Via JCP]

We're the Only Ones Jeepers, Creepers, Where'd We Get Those Peepers Enough

An Edwardsville police officer is accused of peeping at women in a Glen Carbon tanning salon. [More]
And the city administrator's name is Dickmann...

[Via Kurt Di...uh...Hofmann]

True Colors

McDonald's, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Intuit, Kraft, Arby's and Walgreens have shown their true colors: appeasement yellow. [More]
Are there any that aren't corporate fascist whores?

An Important Perspective

"As individuals who have lost loved ones to gun violence, or have survived a shooting, we hope you will agree that we add an important perspective," wrote Goddard...[More]
Yeah, nothing like the opinions of the willfully clueless to shape public policy...

Here's an impromptu test:  Say that right now, right where you are, you hear some shots, and they're getting closer.



It's a drill. Do whatever you would do.


There "he" is in the doorway. What are you prepared to do?

What do you think this band of bleating ungulates are prepared to do?

Whose "perspective" do you think the phantom threat would find more "important"?

80 Commies

Alan West identifies some domestic enemies. [More]

Are you sleeping?

[Via Jess]

America's Most Wanted

John Richardson recommends a name to fill a vacancy. [Read]

Start tacking up the posters.

I wonder if we'd see some action from the AG if it mentioned a reward...?

When Harry Met Elissa Redux

We talked about this unsurprising bit of "true champion" sabotage here.

GOA asks us to do something about it.

It seems a simple enough request.

Do Bloomberg's Bodyguards Have 'License to Murder'?

So does this mean Furious Mike's taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards won't stand their ground and have a duty to retreat? Or should we conclude they have a "license to murder"? [Read]

On the plus side, at least he admits bounties must be illegal...even if he is outraged anyone would dare ask him...

[Via Kurt Hofmann]

How Can You Tell "Authorized Journalists" Are Lying?

They write crap like this:
We support a right to bear arms, but you don’t have to show them off in plain sight
That's called having a big "but." It's also reminiscent of Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal perception--if they can't see it...

And to prove their point, they devolve into the ever-predictable and totally unsupported by reality "Wild West" canard, and throw in a Quickdraw McGraw insult for good measure.

But they "fully support the Second Amendment," mind you...

We're the Only Ones Not a Straight Shooter Enough

The police chief of a North Carolina town has been prohibited from carrying a badge and gun because he couldn't shoot straight. [More]
So he's not an "Only One."

But he'll shuffle papers and keep the pay until he retires, thank you.

This Day in History: April 12

Three British sloops fired on Fort Moultrie as they entered into the Ashley River. [More]