Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Romney backers ignore Fast and Furious at own peril

Gun owners are watching equivocation from the Republican leadership and from its candidate, and are seeing real-world effects that inexplicable timidity yields in not only frustrating justice, but in making the suppression of new information an inevitable outcome as sources become afraid to come forward. More and more Fast and Furious watchers are expressing frustration, anger, resignation and expectation of betrayal, they have been for some time, and they will not be ignored. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column cautions those living in an ivory tower to check its foundations. I'd like to see the link to this sent to both the Mitt Romney campaign and the RNC by everyone who wants them to get serious:

 Well, that's one...

The Illustrated Man

Ray Bradbury, recipient of the 2000 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the 2004 National Medal of Arts, and the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation, died on June 5, 2012, at the age of 91 after a long illness. He lived in Los Angeles. [More]


Let's see, if there's a market for the tools of personal freedom, maybe there's a market for other personal freedom-oriented products and services...and just maybe helping people secure personal freedom so they can pursue happiness is the answer to the whole economic mess... [Read]

The Obvious Solution

The message was this: Most of the gun-wielders in the city are young men -- if not children -- and many of the future shooters are currently incarcerated or otherwise involved in the criminal justice system. [More]
Well then isn't it clear to all that the only "common sense" solution is to keep you and me disarmed?

We're the Only Ones Removing Childhood Barriers Enough

“They had multiple machine pistols pointed at my son. I could see the laser sights on his body and he began to freak out. While I was cuffed I had to calm him down while the officers broke down his bedroom door,” she said. [More]
 What do you mean the suspect doesn't live here any more...?

[Via Ron W]

Gunwalker Ping-Pong

Ping-pong, anyone...?

Boehner Aides in Talks With Justice Dept. on Gun-Running Inquiry By CHARLIE SAVAGE [More] 
Boehner spokesman: NY Times story about Holder Fast and Furious compromise is false By Matthew Boyle [More]
And then there's this, from Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, talking about "ongoing conversations" with staff that "stand in contrast with [Issa's] tone."

Stay tuned. And get your paddles ready.

UPDATE:  They're boiling up a pot of crawfish over at Vanderboegh's...

Brought to You By...

Akin Cosponsor’s “Second Amendment Sovereignty Act” [More] 
So how the hell come there are only four?

This Day in History: June 6

On June 6, 1780, British troops boarded boats on Staten Island bound for Elizabeth, New Jersey. At midnight, 5,000 troops started to land. They expected the Continental Army to give little resistance, believing that they were tired of the war and were poorly fed and paid. They also expected the citizens of New Jersey to welcome them. They were wrong on both counts. [More]