Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Armed American Radio

I was on Sunday night in the last half of Hour One and for all of the Hour Three Roundtable.

Click here then scroll down the right side of the page to "AAR Recent Posts" to listen.

Court will be asked to drop all charges against New Mexico gun dealer family

“There is a motion in front of Judge [Robert C.] Brack to dismiss the whole case for outrageous conduct by the United States of America,” an email sent to a close group of supporters related. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report gives the next installment in an ongoing saga.

Tyrant Nations

With tyrant nations, such as Iran, Syria, and North Korea, participating in the negotiations to draft an ATT, it is almost unbelievable that any thinking individual could actually believe the laudable goals expressed by the ATT’s proponents. It is no dark secret that the vast majority of U.N. States are run by dictators, who want to maintain control over their people at any cost, so that they can continue to perpetrate human rights abuses and exploit their peoples’ resources, for their own selfish purposes. [More]
Yep, which is why any foreigner who supports passing it may just as well cut to the chase and declare war, and any American who signs on to it is committing an act of treason.

Common Sense Gun Laws

"I'm glad they took it away," Ms. Hoover said. "She's either going to hurt herself or hurt someone else."

Ms. Hoover said the police should not return Ms. Huddleston's gun to her regardless of whether her fears are founded. [More]
There you have it: Gun ban extremists want the police to confiscate firearms from people who have committed no crime.  They want to leave 92-year-old women who live alone defenseless. That's what they mean when they say:
Ohio needs to do more to improve its standing when it comes to common sense gun laws.

For the Children

For some, prevention means keeping kids as far away from guns as possible. For Pederson, it means placing a loaded gun in his kids' hands. [More]
Absolutely.  It's the responsible thing to do.

Perception is Reality?

"It's something that's needed in the village," Mayor Wayne Hall Sr. said. "Residents will feel safer with it. [More]
Yeah, OK, whatever.


Jordanian MP pulls a gun on his critic during live TV debate [More]
"Reasoned discourse," authoritarian-style...

This Day in History: July 10

Never was a good Constitution more wanted than at this Juncture. [More]