Friday, August 03, 2012

The Dark Night Rises

My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online. [Read]

Hell Officially Frozen Over

NBC leads the pack with a Fast and Furious story. [Read]

That's probably as big a development as the story itself, which is that House Republicans are going to court to compel Holder to submit subpoenaed documents.

I'd love to get my hands on the NBC emails and memos concerning their coverage and lack thereof, and know what prompted this sea change.

Still, "ill-fated gun tracing operation" could be more credibly replaced with "Underpants Gnome hunt."

Federal agents take aim at Fortune's Fast and Furious report

“NAFA would be very interested in learning just how ATF supervisors thought they were going to be able to ‘track’ thousands of firearms once they went south of the border,” the article continues, in response to Eban’s recounting of why weapons were not seized. “Amusing!” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report cites some folks who have a bit better insight on how things work than an "Authorized Journalist" administration sympathizer.

Remember Rallying to the Defense of Badger?

We shouldn't have. Look at what the guy's brother has done with the phoenix that rose from those ashes:
Nasci's department started running background checks on everyone using the Badger Guns range in 2009, an arrangement that Adam Allan agreed to, though no law required him to do so.

Nasci said since late 2009, he has run more than 25,000 names of range users through his system.
This is much worse than that kapo in Texas.  These snitches are turning in their customers.  Utterly inexcusable and unforgivable.

Who the hell would do business with these jackboot-licking collaborators?  Yeah, I know, no shortage of Fudds...

I understand Wisconsin Carry is investigating this, but don't readily see anything on their site and don't have time to search right now.

[Via Sean Y]

A Test of Skills

"And until we get a factual report and a complete record from the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General, which is our normal process, and make the referral to our internal affairs division, then there are rights that employees have." [More

Oh, you mean never?

Still, you have to admit his skill set includes mastery of Pynchon. He's got everybody asking the wrong questions.

Meanwhile, just to keep things in perspective, over in the private sector you can get unceremoniously canned for mouthing off to a Chick-fil-A employee...

Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?*

A teenager killed eight people with a knife and wounded five more in northeast China after falling out with his girlfriend, state media said Thursday. [More]
Thank goodness no one committed any human rights violations!
[Via William T]

Class Warfare

If you can read this (but don't understand what it signifies), thank a teacher.

We're the Only Ones Crushed Enough

With their vehicles crushed, "We had nothing to pursue him with," said Chief Deputy Philip Brooks. [More]
That  happens sometimes when you squeeze the wrong person. 

[Via Ed D]

Mein Kampf

In the aftermath of the Aurora shooting that killed 12, injured 58, and renewed a national conversation about gun control, state Rep. Warren Kampf (R-157) signaled a willingness this week to consider legislation that would place restrictions on gun ownership in Pennsylvania. [Read]

Punish him. Throw him out. No excuses. I don't care if his opposition may be a gungrabber who wins. Tolerate this with no consequences and perpetuate what got us into this no real choices mess in the first damn place.

Look how he's repaid his supporters:
NRA members came out in support of his A- rated opponent, Warren Kampf, to drive him over the margin for victory. Gun owners in the district now have a friend of their rights in office to rally behind.
Sure they do.  How fitting that today's "History" post focused on Benedict Arnold.Anyone who tells you a traitor is "the lesser of two evils" is either a liar or a fool.

Blast from the Past

Fredd Bergman reminds us of RG Griffing, who challenged the Bradys to put up or shut up. Naturally, they wouldn't do either, but that worked out fine, because it served to once more prove they don't know what the hell they're talking about. and it did so in a very amusing, in-your-face way. [Read]

He reminds us of his friend because memories of Griffing, along with his body of work, are now what we have left.

My favorite line from the first link:
Hey, Pete, what industry did you come out of to go to work for this outfit?


Nice accompanying picture. But the real stupid is in the words. [Read]

[Via Kevin Starrett]

This Day in History: August 3

Benedict Arnold is appointed commander of West Point. Unknown to the Americans, he has been secretly collaborating with British Gen. Clinton since May of 1779 by supplying information on Gen. Washington's tactics. [More]