Thursday, October 11, 2012

ATF whistleblower Cefalu parking lot termination secretly recorded

Riehl, seen talking to Cefalu through his Jeep window and reportedly telling him he couldn’t leave because he had to sign papers, had been criticized on the CUATF forum, and Gun Rights Examiner is attempting to track down audit reports to determine what an independent assessment reveals about the allegations there. But the bottom line is, an employee with over 25 years of service who has been a leading spokesman for whistleblowers was unceremoniously canned in a public parking lot by senior division management. [More
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report presents an exclusive video featuring Denny's Un-American Parking Lot Slam.

Gun Bloggers Ask Romney To Disavow Obama’s Fast And Furious Executive Privilege Claim

he lead editorial in the October 2012 issue of Gun Tests magazine asks presidential candidate Mitt Romney to immediately disavow claims of executive privilege in the ongoing Fast and Furious scandal. As Gun Tests’ Editor Todd Woodard wrote in his “Downrange” column...[More
 It is so cool seeing the word get spread like this. That's what it takes. And the more of you who join in to help, the more people who can give it a boost will notice.

Note there's a link at the end of the article to download a pdf file of the referenced column.

Neat site, good resource. Bookmark and share it with your friends.  I'm adding it to the WoGroll right now.

Good Find

Dave Hardy has uncovered a treasure trove of subversive intentions from years past. [Read]

The Best-Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men...

gang aft agley* [Read] 

This is just terrifically fun to watch unfold.


One-Stop Shopping

Constitution Watch continues to feature the latest offerings from Gun Rights Examiners. [Read]

The Bracelet of Obedience

The TSA’s security policies are getting more and more bizarre, from testing people’s drinks for explosives to ordering all travelers to freeze on command, but could a frightening policy that was seriously explored by the DHS be resurrected – forcing people to wear taser bracelets that would deliver an electric shock if they got out of line? [More]

So they've given up on the collar idea?

Why don't they just require all passengers to insert electroshock butt plugs?  I'm sure there's no shortage of ungulates who would do anything if it makes them "fee-ee-ee-eel" safer, and some who would probably enjoy the experience.

Hours Left to Act

That is, if you want to join me and Gun Owners of America in calling on Paul Ryan  to shred Joe Biden tonight over Fast and Furious on national television. All the tools you'll need are at that link.

All you need to do is take mere moments to use them, and share this with others.

ATF terminates whistleblower Cefalu

Calling it “a Hindenburg of a losing case,” and predicting “ATF just substantially amplified the damages award that Cefalu will…recover at trial,” he goes on to state “It's well-known that ATF management and their viciously corrupt counsel are, for the most part, brutally self-serving and mean-spirited. But this Cefalu termination is nevertheless surprising in its utter incomprehensibility under the circumstances. [More]
Today's early morning Gun Rights Examiner report shows continued in-your-face retaliation.