Friday, October 12, 2012

VP debate observes ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ on Fast and Furious

Likewise, Ryan has gone so far as to raise funds off the issue, and RNC Chair Reince Priebus promised last December to make Fast and Furious a campaign issue. 

When? The election is three-and-a-half weeks away. How much longer are the Republicans going to wait, or have they decided to ignore the issue altogether? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column gives Joe Biden more reasons to grin about last night's debate.

Shooting Destination Night

From American Trigger Sports Network:
MGM Junior Camp with Manny Bragg/Matt Burkett
Hosted by the Parma Rod & Gun Club, Parma, ID
Watch Tonight! Friday, October 12th!
6:00pm Pacific
7:00pm Mountain
8:00pm Central
9:00pm Eastern
DirecTV Channel 604 PRST
DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT 
On Pursuit...

Predator Empowerment Zone Affirmed

Just don't go calling for more "gun control" if this doesn't work... [Read]

A State of Emergency

Yeah, right. [Read]


Squadron looks like such a sob-sister in that photo.  They all do.

We're the Only Ones Blaming Enough

Chavez was injured after his 3-year-old son, seated behind him in Chavez’s personal vehicle, picked up the officer’s service revolver, which discharged. Chavez and his counsel argued that Glock, Inc. had a duty to warn that the Glock 21 pistol should only be used with specific holsters that restrict access to the trigger guard in light of its “light trigger pull” and lack of a manual safety device. [More
I'm afraid any natural inclination I might have for basic human sympathy is overshadowed by this guy's conduct before and after his act of negligence.  But I feel profoundly sorry for his son.

UPDATE: And note the comment from Crotalus.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Here's the latest from Mike. I can't overstate the seriousness of this latest setback. [Read]

He's in admissions getting ready for prep. I just spoke with him briefly and conveyed the prayers of those of you who have expressed them to me, as well as shared some personal sentiments without being maudlin about it. I also let him know there's some exclusive info I've been told we can anticipate, as having developments to look forward to noticeably brightens him, and having enthusiasm and looking forward to them is the only and best thing I have to share with him.

He's being very brave, which does not surprise me in the least.

We'll see you on the other side, brother.

UPDATE: As with last time, he's here.  And they've also diagnosed the chronic hiccups/swallowing difficulties.