Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Question About the NRA-PVF Site

I logged in, but it's not letting me look at ratings in any other state race--only Ohio.  I haven't noticed that limitation before.  When I get to the map and select another state, it makes me log in again and then returns me to Ohio. Anybody else notice this, and is there a workaround?

Why they just don't make the information--including their archives--publicly available is something I've never understood.  Maybe they're hoping we won't hold the duds against them.

Holder asking court to bow out on Fast and Furious leaves solution up to Romney

What that means is, the only hope those demanding truth and consequences for Fast and Furious will have is if Mitt Romney defeats Obama. Unfortunately, even that will give no guarantee, because the GOP challenger has thus far played coy on the matter, paying lip service along the lines of South Park’s Mr. Mackey (“Gunwalker’s bad, m’kay”), but revealing absolutely nothing about what he will do if given the power to make a difference in the way an executive branch abomination that has left hundreds of dead human beings in its wake is treated. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we basically have one chance left--assuming the fix isn't already in.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. Nothing new to report except he says his stuttering has improved and he's waiting for the doctors to share their latest thoughts with him, so no word on whether a release is imminent or how long they intend to keep him.

It's a Debate Party!

So if someone with bad intentions had shown up, would he have been as uselessly helpless as last time? [More]

We're the Only Ones Socially Networking Enough

The Dallas Morning News reports that her friend, George Pickens, 34, was upset about the officer’s testimony and found his photograph on Facebook while researching him online. [More]
So the secret "Only One" has a Facebook account but if you tell anyone, that's your fault?

Who is he? I'd like to "share" his page.

We Are the 95%

Thinking about that, I actually wish it were true. What's this "permit" crap? [Read]

[Via William T]

There's No Subversive Like an Old Subversive

Maybe you have a constitutional right to have a cellphone with a pre-dialed 911 at your bedside. That might provide you a little better protection than a gun which you're not used to using. [APPLAUSE] [Watch]
Yeah, unlike your orcs. Who'da thunk Nazgûl wore bow-ties under their black robes...?

That inane and unqualified opinion presented as expert simply because of who is saying it occurs around 36 + minutes into this video. 

I love Dan Gross at the beginning claiming "Brady...has always been the voice of the American people..."

This is a long video, but it's important to watch it so you know what the enemy's designs are, and the lawyer group announced by Jonathan Lowy is one to be on guard against. It's also critically important to understand the "legal" rationale someone like Stevens uses  to allow his fanaticism to trump his oath.  Understand reversing Heller and McDonald are just "first step" goals. Howling of paranoia notwithstanding, these traitors, who would have us believe banning handguns in the home is "common sense"  and "reasonable" and a "compelling state interest," want and intend to settle for nothing less than absolute, unchallengeable power.

The thing to remember, with special significance to keep in mind with what we're being told about November: Stevens was a gift from the Republicans.

UPDATE: Kurt weighs in.

"The Man"

"One year later, a man contacted her on Facebook, threatening to send around the picture of her topless...Then the man created a Facebook profile, using her uncensored photo as his profile picture."  [More]
First of all, that's no man. Why don't they identify the SOB?

If at First You Don't Succeed...

The last gun amnesty in Samoa was 2006. [More]
And it worked so well we're doing it again!

We're the Only Ones Who Know What's Good for You Enough

The next day he was required to visit the Vice Principal's office where a uniformed cop was waiting there to give him the third degree. The administration claimed the drink violated the no-drugs-and-alcohol policy. The officer wrongly told the child that Kombucha was illegal and dangerous to mix with medicines or antibiotics - then asked him if and what medications he was taking. [More]
As we all know, police undergo rigorous nutrition counseling  training as well, in addition to all their other magic qualifications and skills.

That's a nice Catch-22 the public schools have imposed: Compel attendance and then require surrender of rights. It's not like an institution designed to indoctrinate inmates has any incentive to encourage thoughts of freedom.

[Via Bad Cyborg]

This Day in History: October 16

At dawn on October 16, 1780, a war party of 270 Canadian Mohawks and Abenakis, led by British officer Lt. Houghton quietly moved into Royalton, a settlement of 20 to 25 cabins spread along both sides of the White River and its First Branch. [More]