Thursday, October 18, 2012

GOA Radio

I'll be joining Bill Frady again tonight at 7:00 pm Eastern to talk about the Romney-Gunwalker nexus and whatever else comes up. [Listen]

NSSF could use Gun Rights Examiner for more than anti-Obama mailers

As “the trade association for the firearms industry [with] a membership of more than 7,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers,” NSSF making a simple announcement would have a great and wide-reaching effect, would not cost them a cent, as opposed to what they must have spent on this mailer to reach a niche audience, and might even spur the mighty National Rifle Association to lead the charge. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes if you're going to go to the trouble of quoting a guy, you might as well listen to what he has to say. 

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. He's been going through physical rehab, basically "push/pull" exercises, but nowhere near ready for balance therapy yet.

He's still waiting for information on that sourced scoop I mentioned yesterday and in the meantime has resumed working on "Absolved." Based on a brief post he made yesterday, he's got his work cut out for him, but in reality, work is his best therapy.

Speaking of rehab, another project he wants to get in shape to tackle is trying to fix up an old beat-up Yugoslavian SKS he owns, and he's interested in hearing from any of you with knowledge and experience you can share with him on that.  Aside from by email, which as his friend I'm still trying to discourage, (along with still asking you not to post comments to Sipsey Street that he'll feel obligated to moderate), you can mail him stuff the old-fashioned way, but note he's been moved to Room 1111 at Trinity Medical Center (800 Montclair Road Birmingham, AL 35213).

In addition to well-wishing cards (and very helpful, especially at this time, voluntary subscriptions/donations) he'd really appreciate if some of us would send him gun magazines we've read and have no more use for.

It's Now or Never


Or, they could just do this, it would have a greater effect and generate tons of publicity, and it wouldn't cost a dime.

Why won't they? As they say, "it's now or never," and it's not like Wayne hasn't been out there acting like he really cares.

A Snitch in Time

I seem to recall posting on this or something very similar some time back but can't find it now--what a great way to get rid of gang rivals, and profitable to boot! [Watch]

It's not like being an an utterly incompetent boob isn't something Booker routinely demonstrates...

[Via cycjec]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Police use Taser on blind man after stick mistaken for sword [More]
The way things are going over there, I have a feeling they'll get a crack at the real thing before too long.

[Via William T]

Importing the Sword Hunt

In November 1993, the Hattoris met President Bill Clinton in Washington, handing him part of some 1.7 million Japanese signatures calling for stricter gun control in the United States and asking the president to resolutely back their cause. [More]
Because that always has worked so well in serving certain interests over there...

A Simpler Commitment

Middle and high school students will sign a voluntary pledge promising among other things that they will never take a gun to school. Elementary students will make a simpler commitment. [More] 
 Thank goodness that's finally been resolved!

Owning the Night

Ready or not, coming soon, to a neighborhood near you? [Read]

[Via Kevin Starrett]