Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rediscovered news account sheds light on Fast and Furious deception

What Newell gave no hint of was the involvement of his office in doing its utmost to ensure that would happen, and by the time he opportunistically used the media as his mouthpiece, we know from the Congressional Joint Staff Report on Fast and Furious subtitled “Fueling Cartel Violence,” he was masking his involvement in upping the numbers at the same time he was exploiting gun trafficking as a public relations tool. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks to the past to define the problems and obstacles, and to the future for the solution--albeit one that just won't work without you, personally, right now in the present.

The Definition of Insanity

Gray said allowing guns on campus would be unnecessary because of the job campus law enforcement already do. [More]
There are actually people who vote for this madness.
“I was academic coordinator to the Razorbacks at one time and never, never felt uncomfortable or afraid on the university campus,” Gray added.
It doesn't occur to her that if she had, it would have been too late? Or that she has no moral claim to make that choice for anyone else?

Pistol Training at MGM Junior Training Camp

From American Trigger Sports Network:
Competition Pistol Training with Randi Rogers & BJ Norris helped sharpen the shooting skills for many Juniors attending the MGM Junior Training Camp in Parma, ID. Field Correspondent, Molly Smith was selected to attend this exclusive group and her experience brings viewers first-hand knowledge and training tips from top shooters.

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

A Public Service Announcement for Furious Mike Paradise Lower East Side Criminals

If you're busted for gun possession this Sunday before 4 p.m., tell them you were taking it to the Rutgers Houses community center on Madison Street, and then have your lawyer ask what method of transport others used to legally get their guns there and argue entrapment. [Read]

The Paper It's Written On

And yet for all the hysteria, the Obama White House has shied away from taking the initiative in gun-control legislation, including worthy efforts to renew the 1994 assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. [More]
I guess nobody at the Canadian-owned Crackron Leakin' Urinal watched the second debate:
Responding to a question from an audience member about reinstating the federal (so-called) “assault weapon“ ban, President Obama acknowledged his desire to resurrect the ban, falsely equating firearms with cosmetic similarities to military firearms as “weapons designed for soldiers [that] don’t belong on our streets,” repeating the standard anti-gunner ploy of conflating automatic weapons with the semi-automatic variants that was originated to confuse the public by the Violence Policy Center. Obama also let slip another target of interest that has long been a goal of gun-banners with his reference to “cheap handguns.”
They've been guilty of that conflation themselves, and unapologetic about it.

They save all their apologia for the administration on Fast and Furious.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

This Day in History: October 24

Two parties from Canada composed of regulars tories Canadians and savages and amounting to about 1000 each have entered their frontiers, the one by the way of lake George, the other by the way of the Oneida lake. [More]