Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's a Shame We Have to Play Things Like This...

...but it looks like they intend to ignore it unless they can't.

Fortunately, by now I'm pretty used to this approach.

Physician Heal Thyself

[I]t is time for everyone to get the AAP message that "the most effective measure to prevent suicide, homicide, and unintentional firearm-related injuries to children and adolescents is the absence of guns from homes and communities." [More

They posted my comment:
(8) David Codrea says:
So, Dr. Ianelli, will you complete one of these forms and let me post it?
Let's see if/how he responds.

[Via Jake S]

24 Mil Muertos

Here's the original story and the Google Translate English version.

You know what would stop this?  Aside from that new form Southwest border gun shops have to fill out and making it illegal for you and me to have semi-automatics...?

Ve're de Only Vones Hog Vild Enough

Police say when a police officer arrived, the boar attacked him and cut his leg before he pulled his gun and killed the animal with "multiple shots." [More]
Everybody else just has to assume their place in the food chain.

[Via William T]

I Got Your Truce Right Here

The NRA could have, and should have, accepted President Obama’s invitation to sit together to discuss gun-rights legislation in 2011. The organization disappointingly refused the invitation for cooperation.[More]
Why? We know what he wants, you stupid Fudd.

The only truce that needs to be called is when those attacking us wish to surrender.  Do you really think the reason we won't "compromise" is because we're worried about protecting NRA salaries? And that the answer is more socialism?

Where do they get these guys?

This Day in History: October 30

"During the engagement Captain Anderson (a brave man and true Whig) was shot down by my side. He cried out - Oh Lord, I'm a dead man; what shall I do? - Adjutant Raiford who was as brave as ever lived, but who stuttered very badly, replied - Gu Gu_d in it l-l-lye close... poor Anderson's woound was mortal -- we were ordered [illegible], set out sentinels, and lay on our arms till morning." [More]