Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Holder staying on for second term means more of same for Fast and Furious probe

Holder’s decision no doubt reflects a confidence that the administration and the media will continue to provide all the cover he needs. It also means he sees opportunity for even more power than he now enjoys, and this is a guy who knows the game plan. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a change in plans--or maybe just a sign that certain expectations will be met.

Come Again?

We have no issue with the right to bear arms. However, we don’t think allowing concealed guns into public places is, or should be, part of this right. [More]
Alrighty then.

Transparent Transcripts

I'd especially like to see receipts for who paid his bills. [More]

They've got a long way to go to get to the required number in a month.
I never ask you to do anything I don't.

The Finest Protection Plunder Can Buy

Thank goodness she'll be protected as her entourage goes wine-tasting while she just doesn't have time to answer any questions from the Congress! [Read]

Weekend GRE Catch-Up

Constitution Watch has the stories you may have missed over the three-day weekend (at least for government workers), aggregated in one convenient location. [Read]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Kurt tells us about someone who manages to be both. [Read]

Bruce W. Krafft took the same subversive to task a while back over a related offense.

Does anyone know if ol' Sanjay has become a U.S. citizen? I ask because of this little matter of an oath...

About That ATT

This is about the least-hyperbolic explanation out there.

In addition, I see court cases resulting on how our government would implement and enforce it.

To me, the main danger is letting the camel's nose under the tent--if we accept that, then next time, when they try for more, we're arguing about extent of intrusion, as opposed to not letting them gain entry in the first damn place.

For the Most Part, Everybody was Happy with It

See, it's for a "good cause." I don't know who I find more disturbing--the idiot teleprompter-reading cheerleaders or the gun owners who approve of being rights-raped. [More]

And remember, "This isn't about enforcement--it's about education."

[Via Jess]

Help Wanted, Inquire Within

Yesterday's Gun Rights Examiner report highlights a piece of the overall puzzle that is significant and legitimate for wider investigation. It's especially so as Janet Napolitano is, by all indications, remaining in the government and jockeying for even more power and influence.

So naturally, there's only one entry on a Google News search, and guess whose it is?

Widening the search with more general terms still yields no result--although we do see DHS OIG assigned a higher priority and had time to complete a report on the Secret Service prostitution scandal, even if they don't share the results on their website.

Here's the thing: Mike Vanderboegh and I can't do this by ourselves because we're just not big enough to get the stories noticed with any reliable frequency. I know we've had a few media opportunities, but comparatively, our pond is small. That's we we rely on our regular readers--those who perceive they get a regular value from our work--to help amplify our voices and spread the word.  I'm asking you to do that now.

Please share this link to yesterday's development with everyone you think will care, via emails, via social media, and especially share it with news websites, challenging them to do their own investigation.

Regular readers, please do it now. Even if you don't think anything will come of it, I'm asking you to take a minute and do it anyway, because I think it might be.

Legally Insane

The Cook County electorate, that is... [More]

This Day in History: November 13

With the surrender of Charleston in May 1780, Woodford became a prisoner of war and died on November 13, 1780, aboard the British prison ship Packet off New York. [More]