Friday, November 23, 2012

The Most Transparent Administration in History

Anybody who can't see right through 'em is either stupid or doesn't want to. [Read]

Destruction of badges labeled ‘juvenile act’ by ATF whistleblower

Cefalu also stated he'd received information from an individual prepared to give sworn testimony that he was present when  ATF managers  were communicating “specifically regarding the ongoing investigation into the destruction of my badges and stated in substance ‘I just talked to IA, it sounds like they are just going to make this go away.”
That appears to be exactly what happened. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at some anger management issues coupled with childish behavior, that is, SOP for dealing with whistleblowers at ATF. 

We're the Only Ones Assassinating Enough

A Florida police officer quit after admitting he told colleagues that he would volunteer to assassinate President Obama. [More]
Scrolling down, it looks like Jacksonville is just chock full of  weird police stories.

[Via William T]

Thanking God for Small Favors

Jeff Knox gives an update on the outrageous ordeal of the Reese family. [Read

This could not happen in the America we were supposed to have, the ones our forebears fought and died for to bequeath to their posterity. No government instituted to secure the blessings of Liberty would tolerate such injustices, let alone perpetrate them.

Silly Syllogism

We know what the conclusion is, that a child was shot and killed by another on a school bus because Republicans won't let doctors ask and advise patients about guns.

Beats me if I can come up with a logical argument that works for that. Especially one that factors in pitchfork murders and home defense guns being rendered useless for that purpose...

Gray Lady Eats Crow

The "correction" is at the bottom. [Read]

Here is what prompted it.  Note the comment by Larry Keane explaining why their correction is still incorrect.

None of which addresses this, however.

Because, Evidently, Those Aussie Gun Laws Have Worked So Well

That must be why they need more laws. [Read]

Of note:
Experts from the United States will visit Australia in February 2013 to train police in tracing and tracking firearms.
Which "experts"? "Top men"? Who authorized this? Will all expenses be recovered, and if not, why is it in the interest of the U.S. taxpayer to foot the bill for any of this? And if we have the law enforcement resources to send off on a junket, how sympathetic should we be when we're told more are needed?

We're the Only Ones Robed Enough

Telling colleagues and superiors that he fears a family law litigant, Anoka County Judge John Dehen wants to carry a gun into the courthouse. [More]
Well, isn't that special?

I remember being summoned as a juror when I lived in SoCal--if you ignore it they send armed men after you. So there I show up, and they made you empty your pockets and go through a scanner, meaning even if you had a carry permit, which, being unconnected I couldn't get to save my life, you'd have to leave it in your car anyway. And the walk from the parking lot was long and you got to run the gauntlet past all the lovely associates of the defendants du jour...

Yeah, judge. I feel for you.

Shooting Destination Night

Diamond Classic Sporting Clays - TONIGHT on ATSN TV‏ [Details]

Giving it 108%

Not that the Republicans have the guts to do anything about it...[Read]

[Via Jess]

When Black Friday Comes

He pulled a gun and he wasn't charged? What do you know...two rational responses in a row.  Although I do question what deal is worth the time and hassle of waiting in lines. [Read]