Monday, December 03, 2012

Whitlock turns up personal attack on gun owners, calls NRA ‘new KKK’

Imagine had a high-profile white media face of News Corporation attacked a black organization devoted to the Constitutionally-enshrined Bill of Rights with lies, and then publicly and militantly libeled them as black supremacists in front of a national audience. Imagine if that had the effect of outraging millions of good Americans unfairly smeared as racists -- and audience members, advertisers and investors, at that. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report fires back at a lying headcase -- and gives you a way to ask his boss if he employs white bigots without repercussions, too.

i Spy

...with my little ear...? [Listen]

My radio interview with these fine folks is now archived online.

Circling Scavengers

They evidently sense weakness. [Read]

You know, this meme.

[Via Neil W]

Education Professional Seeks Help On Defensive Gun Use Curriculum

Those are worthy goals—first developing a marksmanship curriculum, and also making a point of educating young minds on real-world occurrences that demonstrate the practical, life-saving benefits of an armed citizenry. And it’s vital to encourage the next generations to embrace their firearms heritage, lest the anti-gunners win their long-term goals simply by waiting for the current one to die out. [More]
Here's my latest AmmoLand post. Help out?

A Question for the Network

Workman covered it this morning.

So did Tom Gresham.

I did a brief post last night, pointing out in comments that all NFL facilities are so-called "gun free zones."

Tom recommends sending an email protest to

I wish I could say NBC execs are asking themselves "What did Bob just cost us?" but I don't have much faith that televised football addicts will care enough to alter their viewing habits. I don't get it, but then, I'm obviously not the guy they market to.

If I were, I wouldn't  need to write columns like this.

UPDATE: Come on, join in--it's easy and it's fun, and best of all, it evidently generates a demand on these fascist media pigs' resources.

Precision Guidance

Well that's pretty cool. [Watch]

[Via Thaddeus Fendon, who observes "Interesting.  Looks like it compensates for an unsteady shooter.  But I doubt it can dope wind like a human."]

One of the Dumbest Answers I've Ever Heard

The head of the CIA was compromised. Of course that poses a greater national security risk. [More

A Shot in the Dark

Sara Schastok, president and CEO of the Evanston Community Foundation says, "Of course, no one is under the illusion that people who intend harm as a way of life are necessarily going to turn in their guns." [More] 
Of course not. The illusion is entirely in the media-abetted pretense that hollow hucksters like you are community leaders who should be listened to, and that "Only One" McGinn is anything but an opportunistic elitist fraud. 

Note to any local gangbangers busted with a weapon on Dec. 8 before 3 p.m.: Insist you were going to get your flu shot and were relying on the "No questions asked" promise.

[Via Jess]

Get In the Zone

The gun-free zone! [Read]

Or don't.

I don't know if they post against customers as well, but I find their policy against employees to be typical corporate risk management cowardice über alles [who put those bloodless weasels in charge?.

Now that they've made sure their policy has been advertised so thoroughly, they've created such a dangerously attractive environment for predators that I can't justify the risk of putting myself in it, armed or not.

[Via William T]

Talking Guns

Yesterday's interview with Kate Krueger is now online, to tune in at your leisure. [Listen]

Staying Safe

Tom Gresham provides some holiday reminders in this special Gun Talk Radio bonus podcast. I must admit his idea of carrying a whistle does seem a more effortless plan than mine, that if I ever need to make a really loud, high-pitched shrieking noise, that's what my assailant is for. Anyway, this is good, simple, common sense stuff, particularly for those who may not consider such things, that is, probably over 90% of what you see ambling obliviously plugged in or with phones glued to their heads at shopping centers and malls... [Listen]

[Via Neil W]

This Day in History: December 3

On December 3, 1780, Major General Nathanael Greene took formal command of the Southern Theater of the American Revolutionary War in Charlotte, North Carolina. [More]