Monday, January 07, 2013

Mental health ‘reforms’ could cast ‘blanket dragnet’ for gun rights disabilities

"We actually need to go on the offensive, move to roll back some of this to promote human rights and public safety, restore gun and carry rights to decent people who can contribute to civilian mutual defense," he advocated. "And we need to fight any extension of this sort of thing. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner commentary identifies a very likely threat that we must not allow a preemptive surrender on...

A Giant Gaping Hole

In the end, it may well turn out that knowing what kinds of guns he used isn’t nearly as important as what kind of drugs he used. [More]
True, but it would also be easy to ignore if these medicines do good for some and look at what the attributable violence percentages are before enacting anecdote-based "solutions."

This needs to be something that is rigorously studied, and that does not lend itself to a quick fix. But yes, by all means, give it scrutiny, just make sure it's scientific and not agenda-driven.

[Via Brian P]

And the Problem Is?

But on Sunday, newly sworn-in Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat from North Dakota, called the reported proposals "way in the extreme" and cautioned that they would not pass if brought together in a comprehensive bill. [More]
Good. Let their overconfidence be their undoing.

[Via DMJ]

A Suicide Pact

The head of the state's largest teachers' union said she expects her board to take an official position against proposals that would allow teachers to carry guns. [More
That's actually fine with me as long as they have no say over the rest of us. Anyone dumb enough to support this is probably too selfish, stupid and cowardly to be trusted with a gun anyway.

Who Will Protect Us from Our Protectors?

Sipsey Street Exclusive: Thomas Nee, key member of Joe Biden's "gun violence commission," has a son who was convicted of plotting a Columbine-style mass murder at a school -- possibly with a service weapon obtained from his father. [Read
Well, if Mr. Nee wants me to disarm, that's different!

A Model Republican

This ass Deukmejian is the perfect example of the Benedict Arnold branch of the party, and after decades, he's still being used as a handy tool by his ostensible "opposition." [Read]

The Republicans need to understand: A betrayal will cost them their seat. It's been done before, and I'll be explaining more about that in the coming days.

Ultimately, you won't lose your gun rights unless you surrender them, and the Second Amendment will mean what we with guns say it does.

With all the noise being thrown at us, and all the threats, with the climate of hysteria, it would be easy to give in to fear.  Your enemies are counting on that, because they know our side is stronger.

We need to know that and start acting like it.

A Neat Trick

Gannett Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists presume to decide what's extreme and what's "commonsense,"  and they use every talking point in the gungrabbers playbook to do it. [Read]

We're the Only Ones A-Hunting We Will Go Enough

Be vewy, vewy quiet. We're poaching! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! [Read]

[Via Roger J]

Who We Are

We are a group of non-partisan concerned citizens who have gathered together to create a March on Washington for Gun Control through the leadership of Molly Smith and Suzanne Blue Star Boy. [More]
Well, alrighty, then.

[Via Robert H]

Riddle Me This

What's more valuable in San Francisco than you and your children's lives?

George Lam's jewels, of course! (Scroll down to "Packing heat"--only one carry permit was issued in 2012)

[Via impizulu]

"NRA Members' Gun Safety Act"

Look what's been reintroduced:
The purpose of this title is to extend the Brady Law background check procedures to all sales and transfers of firearms ... REQUIRING A BACKGROUND CHECK FOR EVERY FIREARM SALE ... REQUIREMENT THAT GUN OWNERS REPORT LOST OR STOLEN FIREARMS TO STATE OR LOCAL POLICE
Is it just me, or does that title sound downright Orwellian? Seeing as how its author is Jim (any relation to "Bugs"?) Moran, that's hardly surprising.

Understand: NRA has nothing to do with this--the lying antis have appropriated their name because they can't do anything without resorting to deception. We should actually be encouraged by that.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Myleene Klass, the broadcaster and model, brandished a knife at youths who broke into her garden – but has been warned by police that she may have acted illegally. [More] 
Well, that explains Piers Morgan.

Ultimately, the Problem is the State

In re my ethics complaint against Gannettfor outing permit holders, correspondent "Frank in Atlanta asks:
WHY are we sitting around being mad that the horse got out -- when the REAL culprit is the state:  WHY is the barn door being left open in the first place ?
He's got a point, and adds a similar concern about arrest records and the damage done with those.  I'll email him back and ask for permission to include his entire email as an update to this post, because he raises some really good points.

Correspondent "Bklyn" shared another disturbing link that bolsters Frank's contentions.  Check this out.

Interesting, this "activist" concerned in identifying others is masking himself.

UPDATE: I received permission from "Frank in Atlanta"--here is what he wrote:
Greetings David,

I appreciated your 1/5/13 Examiner article questioning media ethics.   I see a connection with Dave Workman's Examiner 1/5 article tying the 1st and 2nd Amendments together.  I offer 2 counterpoints then 3 questions that are "outside the box" for the present discussion.  FYI, put your 2 articles together with what I share below and there is something going on in the Georgia legislature which the NRA needs to get involved in asap.

POINT 1:  Mad at the Wrong Guys:  gun owner records are "information assets" which are "owned" by the state.  So is the state adequately protecting these assets, given the debate of safety for individuals versus FOIA for the neighborhood ?  What is the gain vs loss in "outing" gun owners ?  FYI, newspapers, TV et al are AMORAL entities that sustain revenue through info-tainment (titillation).  So WHY are we sitting around being mad that the horse got out -- when the REAL culprit is the state:  WHY is the barn door being left open in the first place ?!   Said another way, if you leave meat on the table with the dog in the room to go answer the door, when you come back the meat is GONE.  Dogs will be dogs.  The fault lay with the meat owner, not the dog.  Only 1 of those can institutionally change their nature.

POINT 2:  Gun Records and Arrest Records vs "outing" people -- a similar ethics question:   what's true of mis-used gun records is also true of ARREST records.  How many people do you know, who were found innocent of a minor crime 10 years ago or more, have recently had "sealed" arrest records show up on a type website run by low-lifes out to shame people into paying to take it down ?  These sites take the damage further by letting viewers tag their mugshot photo with sexual references, and it includes a google map link to their home address.

7 million people in the USA and counting are impacted by this -- that's a lot of people who suddenly would become supporters of the NRA if it was to position to treat mugshots and gun records as a common cause.

A "" type website but for outing gun owners ?  You too will soon be branded on dozens of internet websites as "a hottie" along with your address and photo online -- IT'S COMING unless the people act NOW.

THREE QUESTIONS:  On mugshots and gun records, the state must again be questioned as the meat-hungry dog strikes again to the detriment of 7 million americans and counting.

First question, why should the state "out" people by posting the arrests online and harming that individual's reputation BEFORE the case has been concluded (at least for non-violent crimes and first-time offenders) ?  Media gets potpourri to get ratings and sell papers, but otherwise what value comes from this ?

Second question, in protecting the info asset, there is a chain of custody issue:  3rd parties archive old arrests independent of the official source because they know that many of them will eventually be sealed, and along the way they fail to keep them up to date, and so become dirt purveyors to prospective employers and gossip seekers (e.g. rent-a-cop companies, Spokeo, Intelius, The state fails to assert info asset ownership and citizens needlessly suffer.  Contrast this with the heavy regulation by the state of credit bureaus subject to litigation for failure to keep current and accurate info.  A double standard ?

Third question,  the federal courts have ruled to withhold federal arrest records from the mugshot profiteers as they argue that public interest would not be served versus loss to the individuals in outing them.  Yet I hear that the Obama administration wants to publish the complete gun owner registry ?  Another double standard ?

Gun records and arrest records are one in the same:  and a "" to out gun-owners is COMING.  This is a PRIVACY issue, to which we must look at proper control by the state over "information assets" and "chain of custody" and "intellectual property ownership" of those assets.   And sharing these outside of law enforcement and government offices, in this new age of "the internet of everything" is an ethics and safety issue.  A more clear line around the FOIA is required.  Dave Workman's Examiner article this week pointing to Sanford Levinson's work is timely.  It's time to deal with the 2nd and 1st Amendments together head-on.  Peoples very lives, and livelihoods, are at stake here.  And in the meantime, let's not allow ourselves to be intimidated by AMORAL mass media and the 2-edged sword of FOIA.  The state serves the people well before it need serve the press.

UPDATE: Class action in 2013 by Ga Rep Bruce on Mugshots:

Toning Down the Rhetoric

Marine Who Penned Scathing Letter to Sen. Feinstein Says Anti-Gun Leftists Are Now Calling for His Death [Read and watch

This guy sure looks like a rising star to me.

Going Underground

I'll be on the Moretti Underground/Liberty Report tonight. The program starts at 6 p.m. Eastern, and I'll be joining in at 7. [Listen

Call in # 646-716-6625

Fight for your life today

And pass the link to this outstanding piece on to everyone you know. [More]

ISRA reports no movement on gun ban bills

A feared Sunday surprise led by anti-gun Rep. Eddie Acevedo to amend a semi-automatic firearm/normal capacity magazine ban bill has been forestalled, Illinois State Rifle Association reported last night, announcing the House adjourned with no movement. [More
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a day of rest, but cautions against falling asleep.