Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Suppose

Mike has a way for the states to generate some revenue. [Read]

Maybe. If it's the only way, with the understanding that it's only temporary until the unpleasantness is dealt with.

I still prefer this kind of emporium, although it does kind of need an old dog on the porch.

What's in a Name?

Just when I was going to suggest calling them Defense Utility Rifles, Kurt comes up with a better term. [Read]

Maybe I'll start calling them "RCRs" for short.

I Can Feel It Coming in the Air Tonight, Oh Lord

But, had I been armed, probably a single gunshot in the air would have prevented any threat. [More]
No, no, no...

Reese Hearing Postponed

A motion on getting a new trial was supposed to be heard today.

A source close to the case advises it has been rescheduled for the 28th.

Well, what the hell. At least Judge Brack and the prosecution team will eat dinner with their families and sleep in their own beds tonight.

"A Testosterone Laden Fantasy"...

Well, at least he's relieved us of any obligation to respond politely, which I'd have a tough time typing anyway, what with all this blood on my hands... [Read]

[Via Herschel Smith]

Taking it on the (Man)chin

With special guest star John McCain as "Joe." [More]

Why wouldn't it be in our interests to play along, with such a proven champion leading this effort?

UPDATE: Oh, look. Maybe I had the Ballchi...uh...Manchinian all wrong. He's not really for an "assault weapons ban"--that's not "comprehensive" enough.  Now if we just add a few more "common sense" restrictions...but first he needs to talk to some folks and ask what they believe.

This guy is such a d!ckhead.

We're the Only Ones Warming Our Children's Hearts Enough

Along with the rest of them. [Read]

With the caveat that we must assume innocence until guilt is proven, is there any doubt that an animal who would do this would be more than happy to try to confiscate guns with extreme violence if the order came through?

Or that such a creature would make an excellent sadistic camp guard, with all that that implies?

[Via lots of you]

A Sweeping Observation

For representing themselves as such egalitarians, the regressives sure are pretty elitist and superior in the way they're dismissing armed janitors on various posts covering the story. I guess if the working poor were qualified to do anything but vote for those from whom all blessings flow, they wouldn't have such crappy jobs, right?

If these champions of social justice truly were interested in equality and power to the people, they wouldn't want to concentrate the monopoly of force under the control of that 1% they say they so despise...

Me, I'd up that by at least two percentage points.

Tackling the Problem of "Gun Violence"

Let me see if I've got this straight: Teachers and administrators shooting back at armed mass murderers is crazy, but taking them on unarmed is sane. [More]

Is that about right?

A Rational Response

After all, what could make more sense than letting gungrabbers decide what's "sensible"? [Read]

An Easy Decision to Make

Keith Morgan of the West Virginian Citizens Defense League shows the contrast between his knowledge and a moderator's cloistered ignorance. [Watch]

[Via Kevin P]

AP "News"

I guess it hasn't occurred to AP that everyone clearing shelves in record numbers is a more effective way of counter-protesting, and that's where the real story is? [Read]

What else should we expect from Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists who did their best to bury "Gunwalker"?

They're going to still be clutching at guns from their deathbed, aren't they?

Demand a Plan

Long on emotional sloganeering, short on content--just the way the propagandists designed it. [Watch]

I'd like to see someone who knows how produce one called "Demand a Plan to Reduce Illegal Mayors."

By David Nakamura and Jon Cohen

You know, fellas, there was a time when "most Americans" supported internment camps for those of Japanese heritage and didn't give a damn about the plight of Jews.  Besides which, assuming that's still the benchmark you think ought to be applied to rights, you're also making the totally unfounded presumption that "most Americans" are studied enough on the issue to make an informed call, and as we've seen time and again, even (especially) you exalted "Authorized Journalists" are woefully inadequate. [Read]

This Day in History: January 15

I have a Letter from Bourdeaux a Vessel arrived there the 1 Jany. from Anapolis in Chasepeaks Bay—the News she brings is, that Leslie entered the Bay and landed at Hampton. They retreated a few days after, leaving their Camp Kettles and other Baggage in Camp. Their precipitate Retreat, was given out to have been from advices, received of the Landing of a considerable Body of French Troops, at George Town in S. Carolina. Cornwallis was also obliged to call in all his out Posts to avoid being cutt off, and was confined to a small Circuit round Charlestown. These French Troops are supposed to be a detachment from the Cape. Mention is also made of some Ships being taken off, Charlestown, by the Squadron that transported these Troops. [More]