Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Conversation on "Gun Violence"

Nope, sorry, that's not what they want to talk about. [Read]

[Via Ron W]

Hollywood continues to exemplify hypocrisy on guns

Right. Only a nutty conservative website would find the whole concept of laughing at shooting sprees disturbing and more than a bit hypocritical when you consider who finds such efforts worthy of critical acclaim.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner review gives two thumbs down to the elites cashing in on fantasy "gun violence" while undermining our right to protect ourselves in the real world.

Bringing Scissors to a Gunfight

It's not only the dumbest thing I'll watch today, it's also the most arrogant, presumptuous and offensive. [More]

Naturally the anti-gun fanatics at the New York Post consider this "helpful advice."

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Porcine Enough

Ali Haleem, 45, is the 11th officer charged in a continuing federal investigation of Chicago police, called Operation Tow Scam... He became a snitch for the feds after they confronted him with his attempted extortion...[More]
Forget it Jake.

And yeah, Durbin, you ΓΌberschwein, sneer in ridicule all you want at the concept of armed citizens resisting thug-enforced tyranny.  We have our guns and we're going to keep them. Your move.

[Via Carl S]

Don't Freak Out

Hush now. Go back to sleep.  Shhhhh... [Read]

[Via William T]

Help Wanted

That's funny--I don't see any mention of "gunwalking" or "stonewalling" in the qualifications. [Read]

And if you score an interview, just be careful -- I understand they've had some problems at the hotel they put hopeful prospects up at.

Nobody Wants to Take Away Your Guns

Can you imagine going through life being "sporks"?  The self-loathing and futile attempts to compensate through hatred of his betters must be agonizing, especially because he knows we're laughing at him. [Read]

[Via Ed D]

Men Who Mean Just What They Say

The brave men of the Green Beret [Read]

[Via Pythagoreans] 

Well That's the First Bad Assumption Right There

Adults Favor Gun Control in Post-Newtown Era [More
No, because that's a childish position adopted by those who have not undergone the rigors of  grown-ups to secure their liberty by being informed. Forming opinions vital to that liberty based on media pablum is hardly the act of a mature mind.

This Time It's Personal

Editorial: Gun-control debate is personal for Chicagoans [More]
You don't think it's personal for the Reese family?

You don't think it's personal for the Shipleys?

You don't think it's personal for David Olofson?

How about Brian Aitken or Keith Pantaleon or Nathan Haddad?

Do you think it might just be personal for Wayne Fincher?

It's even personal for me, you contemptible Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist, you sanctimonious, blood-dancing sob sister stool sample hiding behind editorial anonymity.

Keep trying to impose your corrupt Chi-Town machine thuggery on men who would be free, and some day it might just get personal for you.

Good Questions

You're facing the rest of your life in a cage with animals for the "crime" of displeasing Master's latest edict. One of his overseers is about to place you in shackles and will kill you if you resist. What do  you do? What do you have to lose? [Read]

A New Meme

Obama skeet shooting... [More]

Be funny to see this spread on the internet, get a bunch of people coming up with pictures of their own.  Call it...I don't know..."Skeet Surfin'...

There's already theme music for it.

BREAKING NEWS: Remaining jailed New Mexico gun dealer family members granted bond

An appeal is being made to supporters of the family because “they will not be able to be released unless they can raise the cash bond amounts.” Attorneys “who have been working tirelessly” need to be paid as well, the appeal continues, as “there have been a lot of expenses involved in the case since the end of the trial. [More]
This evening's late night breaking Gun Rights Examiner story brings happy news--but only if those who agree that a grave injustice has been done are willing to help.  Please contribute, it doesn't matter how little, to help get Rick and Ryin out before the weekend, and please, if ever a story needed to be spread in a short amount of time, share this link with everyone you think will agree.