Saturday, February 02, 2013

I'm in Trouble Now

I wonder what will happen now that I've ignored an official warning:
The photograph may not be manipulated in any way...

Let's see, public figure on public property represented in work product produced at public expense...yeah, bite me.  I hope the moron who made that dare gets Streisand-Effected silly on this.

[Via Cliffs of Insanity]

Waco/FLIR Re-Release

From Mike McNulty:
We have decided to re-release two of the Waco films. You can send a request for a copy of the two DVD set featuring “Waco- a New Revelation” and “The FLIR Project.” The cost is $14.99 + shipping and Handling of $6.75 for a total of $21.74. Send your request, including your return mailing address to Payment can be made at Pay Pal, , refer to the e-mail address: to accesses our Pay Pal account. If you would prefer, you can pay with a money order. Send your order request to the e-mail address and instructions will be given.  The Pay Pal method will take 5-7 business days to receive your films by USPS Priority Mail. If you opt for the Money Order method it will take 8 to 14 business days to receive your film set.

In Addition we would like to invite you to look over the previous installments of the COPS Productions Blog to get a feel for what you’ll find in the two films we are offering. We do expose new facts about the “How” of what happened that goes to a clearer understanding of the “Why” of Waco, and perhaps a greater understanding of what we face in the future… or not.

Things to Come?

"There is absolutely no deterrent in technology except against those who would abide by the law, and for them I see harassment, denials, and increased costs," said David Codrea, author of The War on Guns. Another concern would be that someone with nefarious motives could hack the system via some sort of "master key," said Codrea. Such fears, along with costs, could certainly limit adoption. [More]
Actually, it's not so much someone hacking in as the cops having a remote shutoff switch that I was referring to.

Still, I appreciate the mention in a tech venue that has a different readership from the one I usually can reach out to.

This Concludes Our Escaped Convicted Murderer Test

Had you actually encountered our escaped convicted murderer, most likely you would have been screwed, because forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town. [Read]

The Sun is Hot. It Heats Things Up.

In other news, water is wet.  Guess what getting drenched in it makes you. [Read]

The New Normal

For men...

And for women...

My, how the useful idiots spreading and embracing these memes wish to change the paradigm and turn us all into their vision of...what, exactly?

I wouldn't be surprised if the ones who are so unhappy are the ones who have swallowed...uh...all the other regressive crap the culture is being subjected to by those who have a purpose for doing so.

An Elected Republican

Gualtieri is an elected Republican... [More]

Yeah, so are Lee Baca and Tom Ridge.

So is Mark Kirk.

So was John Chaffee.

Any gun owner who donates to national or state Republican party entities is helping them help these.

If you're going to support a politician, only do it on an individual basis.

We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough

The widow of a New York City police officer claims her husband committed suicide because his supervisor demanded sex from him in exchange for a favorable work schedule and job assignments. [More]
Yeah, right, these misfit headcases are trustworthy and you and I aren't.

[Via Kevin Starrett]