Friday, February 15, 2013

Illegal Sheriff's exports reveal further justice double standards

“Call me cynical,” he added, “but if someone not in law enforcement went to these extremes to disguise what they were doing, that person would be indicted faster than you can say ‘ham sandwich.’” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report gives yet another example of criminality by enforcers, and of privileges and immunities enjoyed by the elites in this, the supposed land of equality under the law.

We're the Only Ones Stomping Enough

Ah, the "monopoly of violence" in action. [More]

Comforting to know three "10-year veterans" find this acceptable, isn't it?

And that there are places where a person recording this could be charged with a crime...?

We're the Only Ones Treacly Enough

Imagine if they'd killed him. Any doubt they would have said they thought he had a gun or made a sudden move, and it would have been labeled an unfortunate incident, but excused under use of force protocols? [Read]

[Via Bear]

We're the Only Ones Denied Enough

But don't feel too bad for her-- she still got $750K out of the deal. [Read]

[Via impizulu]


You'd think any website that would post this would know better than to ask for this.

By the Numbers – T Minus 1 - Assaulted II

From Dead Patriot Films:

We’re very close to funding this campaign with only $20,000 to go!
Now, I can hear the pessimists out there saying that there is no way we can raise that type of money in less than 40 hours and I would normally agree, if we hadn’t of raised $27,000 in the same period of time during the last campaign. I also know that we have been running this campaign with fewer donors and five less days. Here are the numbers as of 9 AM PST on Friday:

Assaulted I      Assaulted II

# of Backers                           925                  576

Amount Raised
Heading into the                   $43,000           $50,000
Last 2 Days

Our last two days of the first campaign, we raised $27,050 from 290. That averages out to $96.55 per backer.

If we take our current number of backers and subtract them from the first campaign backers, we have 349 MIA – there are actually more because we have large percentage of new backers. If those missing supporters came in at the current average of $87 per backer, we would raise $30,000 giving us a $10,000 cushion. What a potential to help us reach our goal.

It comes down to just three things that will determine if we're successful – returning backers, increased pledges and new donors.

If you backed the last campaign, please do so again. We’ve come so far in the production in 90-days and we just need a little more of your help to finish this important film. We hope your belief in the need to complete this film is greater now than when you first backed us.

For the new donors, we ask that you consider increasing your pledge. Many of already have, some by ten fold – thank you! Any increase made by 576 of you will make a huge difference.

Finally, encourage your friends to join us by matching your pledge. They’ll get some cool swag and the knowledge that they help all of us make this important film a reality.

Return, Double and Match.


A National Day of Resistance...? [More]

Look, I don't mean to throw cold water on this idea, but I can't just pass this on with my endorsement for participating without pointing out not everyone is enamored with the group behind this effort.

Whether the complaint is legitimate or whether the complainer simply has an axe to grind is something I don't have time to investigate right now, and I am not taking sides, but I do think this is something that needs to be cleared up, especially before giving out your information and making donations.

It won't be the first time we've seen flags raised.  And again, this group may be totally worthy of support, but with so many others needing help, we owe it to ourselves to verify things.

I invite people in the know to educate us all in comments.


At the home of Bangor Daily News publisher Richard J. Warren!  [More]

In the Belly of the Beast

Oath Keepers rally in Albany. [More]

Also, see this "Molon Labe" trailer.

On Solid Ground

Wayne LaPierre that is[Read]

Which puts deniers Faux Scarborough and David Plouffe waist-deep in...


An air-headed opinion.
As Attorney General, Wilson has defended the Constitution and the laws of this state even if it means challenging the federal government. [More] 
Except if it means really challenging the federal government, forget it.

F*****'s a Republican, and get this: He went to Francis Marion University.

And yes, since we're all, no doubt, curious, guns are banned there:
Possession or use of any type of firearm, fireworks, or other weapons by anyone on University-owned or -controlled property is prohibited.

You Shall Not Pass

Defeat Every Word of Gun Control! [More

Midnight Robbers

From American Trigger Sports Network:
In this week's crime re-enactment, a well-planned home invasion by professional thieves fails when dad chooses not to become a victim.
"Stop the Threat" host James B. Towle and guests Rob Pincus, Michael Carrizales and Wes Doss weigh in on this incident and offer their expert comments in a lively discussion. 

TONIGHT: Your Shooting Destination Night! 
6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern 

DirecTV 604/DISH Network 240 on the PURSUIT Channel: "Stop the Threat" all new episode "Midnight Robbers."

This Day in History: February 15

Brig. Gen. Francis Marion encountered Maj. Robert McLeroth bringing up supplies west of the Santee River. [More]