Monday, March 04, 2013

Reid pressuring colleagues to approve anti-gun judicial nominee

Reid’s support for Halligan is hardly surprising to those who have watched his maneuverings ever since NRA did not outright endorse him (and conveniently did not support his opponent who had a superior rating) the last time he ran for reelection. In spite of the fact that Wayne LaPierre called Reid “a true champion of the Second Amendment” at a sports center (while he actually disparaged its ultimate meaning in campaign ads), Reid has found new friends he can turn to, like New York’s anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  asks if anyone really believes Reid's First Loyalty won't trump the Second Amendment.

AMC: Story Matters Here?

In last night's "The Walking Dead" episode, former Sheriff Rick went back to his hometown looking for guns. He said he knew where there were some bars and stores that had guns under the counter that other people wouldn't know about because he signed the permits for them.

The action is supposed to take place in Georgia.

John Pierce noticed it too.

A Shotgun Approach

"A Shotgun Approach," my latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column (starring noted defensive gun use expert Joe Biden), is now online. [Read]

Last Night's Armed American Radio Program

You won’t believe the opening segment! Afterwards Mark brings Katherine Whitney, Legislative Coordinator for Colorado Students for Concealed Carry, NY Times best selling author, Fox News Contributor, John Lott, The Roundtable with David Codrea…Enjoy!

A Diplomatic Position

We killed tens of thousands of American citizens, maybe hundreds of thousands with no due process in the Civil War, and it was the right thing to do. [More]
What, you thought it was just the Mafia you could never leave after joining?

Why We Need Universal Background Checks

Prosecutors say Joiner and three other Chicago men burglarized gun stores in downstate Illinois and other midwestern states and then took the weapons to Chicago for sale on the black market. [More]
Say, I wonder if they include those stolen guns when they cite those particular stores as being "crime gun" sources...?  You know, just to keep things as fair as, say, blaming rape victims...?

[Via bondmen]

It All Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "Fringe" Is

"Who defines what's unconstitutional? The last thing you want is some rogue sheriff out there deciding that it's unconstitutional and then starting enforcing it," he said. [More]
So there's no order you would have them disobey or oppose?

Establishment Republicans -- is it any wonder we love them so?

Nothing New Under the Sun

The statistics are clear. There is a far greater chance that the handgun you buy will result in your death or that of a family member or other acquaintance than the odds you will use it in self-defense. [More]
How telling their headline begins "No lie"--that's exactly what it is. Knowing most of their readership depends on them to be informed, meaning they'll never be exposed to the truth, the anti-defense zealots can keep dusting off those tired old arguments that were debunked years ago

Well THAT Explains Those Poll Results

Main Street Gets the Gun News From Washington [More
After it's been duly parroted and amplified by the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists...

It All Depends on What the Meaning of the Word 'Unfettered' Is

In fact, advocates of an unfettered right to bear arms should be champions of keeping these records open to the public. [More] 
No, "advocates of an unfettered right to bear arms" are champions of no permits and no records.

We see what they're doing here, don't we, Mr. Pynchon?

Not Quite Clear on the Concept

Courts are likely to get last word on gun control [More
You don't really believe that, do you, David Sherfinski?

Strategic Thinking

Are you ready?  Have you thought through the salient questions?  I haven’t thought through all of them either, and we all have some soul-searching to do. [More]
Yes we do.

Tank Goodness...

...this doesn't appear affected by the sequestering... [Read]

It's almost like they're getting ready for something, isn't it? 

UPDATE: Or maybe not.

An Offer of Compromise

Tell you what, dear, I'll support you in your choice if you support me in mine. [Watch]


If Only I'd Sounded More Like a Democrat

That center ring in the Big Tent is overrun with RINOs and that elephants are relegated to the sideshow doesn't even seem to enter their minds, does it?  [Read]

Casus Belli

Americans renouncing citizenship to become British thanks to tax rise [More]

Do they know that by formally renouncing citizenship, they're voluntarily becoming "prohibited persons"? I guess it doesn't matter for people who want to move to Piers Morgan Paradise...

Wasn't "taxation without representation" a cause for rebelling against the Brits in the first place?

It would appear the other side of that coin, "representation without taxation," also gets kind of oppresive after a while for those footing the bill...

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Boy, all those surveillance cameras sure keep us safe, don't they? [Read and watch]

This Day in History: March 4

After about twenty minutes the British losses were about twenty men killed and/or wounded. Lee's militiamen, some under fire for the first time, began to fall back without orders. Lt. Col. Lee rode among them trying to calm their fears, but he knew they would never hold against another attack. So, he ordered them to his rear and separated the men into small groups - then, he ordered them to return to Col. Williams's location by different routes. This was to confuse Tarleton and to make pursuit impossible. [More]