Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Armed American Radio Encore

Trent Cooper of Crossbreed Holsters debuts a new product, Rob Pincus gives his input as a helper in the design process, Charles Heller, head of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership talks straight, the Roundtable with David Codrea and George Hill as well as Seanto. Enjoy!

NRA commentators pose dilemma for racist and sexist anti-gunners

Understand this makes him a threat, and that others who left the “plantation” have been mercilessly attacked for the grave offense of adopting an ideology of liberty instead of establishment-approved group think, as the experiences of other black leaders like Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others have shown. Go ahead and Google some of those names along with the phrase “Uncle Tom” and see for yourself how vicious the "tolerant progressives” can get, particularly the indignant white ones. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notices three fingers pointing back at the guy pointing and screaming "Racist!"

We're the Only Ones Hand to Mouth Enough

"Shake my hand. I'll cut your ... hands off and I'll eat them. I'll cut your hands off," David told a Democratic campaign worker whom the sheriff believed had spoken ill about him behind his back, according to the grand jury. [More]
I love it when the political left eats their own.

[Via Harvey]


Don't even get me started.  [Read]

If you don't like it, go away.

Gone in 60 Seconds

SAF needs our help to produce a radio ad. [More]

Unlike the antis, we don't have a Mike Bloomberg with $12 million lying around...

What's "White" Got to Do with It?

Politico uses it against Wayne LaPierre, Michael Moore uses it against gun owners, and CSGV uses it against me.

Gee, it's almost like there's some kind of talking point with an agenda going on here to portray those of us who believe all peaceable humans have a right to keep and bear arms, regardless of melanin levels, as the racists.

The "Ignorance is Strength" collectivists can't help themselves.  For them every day is "Opposite Day."

For them, it's all about furthering the Big Lie and destroying anything that stands in their way.

Cold, Dead Hearts

There's really only one response to this, it's two words, and the first one starts with an "f." [Read]

You know who else had cold, dead hearts?

But there is No Joy in Mudville

Mighty Casey has struck out. [Watch]

Look at how he had to present himself to get elected.

Are you people in his district going to stand for this?

[Via Jess]

No Sale

MacKinlay said he sent a full refund to Kelly and nixed the transaction because Kelly made statements in the media that the rifle purchase was "for reasons other then (sic) for his personal use." [More]
Well then that means he lied on the 4473 and needs to be prosecuted.  Why no "authorities" have followed up on his claim that he was going to take the gun across state lines to sell it merely adds further corroboration for how corrupt and agenda-driven the selective enforcers are.

Multiple People Stabbed At East Liberty Target

Handful of idiots in "comments" use this as opportunity to decry guns. [Read]

This Day in History: March 26

It is perhaps, the greatest of the great evils attending this contest, that States as well as individuals, had rather wish well, than act well; had rather see a thing done, than do it; or contribute their just proportion to the doing it. [More]
 You have no idea how much I needed to read that this particular morning, and why.