Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Talking Guns

My Sunday interview with Kate Krueger is now archived. [Listen]

Today's Five Minute Activism: North Carolina Edition

Read and share this.

Sign the petition and get your fellow Tarheel State gun owners to do the same.

If you don't know about these people, set aside some time to learn about them. Yeah, I know, that'll take longer than five minutes, but if you'd been doing what's required as a gun owenr who cares about liberty, this step would have been done years ago.

Don't expect them to do it all without you. They all have lives and time and financial constraints too, you know...

A True American

If you watch one thing this week, watch Manuel Martinez... [Watch]

What an inspiring man.

This sure beats that idiot faux Fudd Bloomberg bought air time for, and that collectivist shill MoveOn,org tried to foist on us.

Just look at the difference -- they resort to phony staged manipulation.  Our side gets the real deal.

I'd love to see this make it to television, but in the absence of that, it's up to us to spread this message as far and as wide as we can.

[Via several of you]

Texas campus stabbings highlight hollowness of college safety pledge

How effective the college’s “commitment” has been, how seriously those who ignore its ineffectual prohibitions take them, and how gravely those paying the consequences of such deliberate indifference suffer should be evident for all to see. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report makes a point of taking a stab at carving out a slice of anti-gun ignorance disguised as an educational policy.

Easy Listening

Per the Akron Leakin' Urinal:
Listen to the police

By that they mean the politically-motivated "Only Ones" at the FOP.

If by listening to the police we actually listen to the police, well they say:
  • 91 percent support the concealed carry of firearms by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony and/or have not been deemed psychologically incapable
  • 80 percent feel that legally-armed citizens would likely have reduced the number of casualties in recent mass shooting incidents
 It figures they don't mention that inconvenient truth in a rag that's only fit for sopping up puddles.

And Then There Were None

If we were to work on making it a gang of 7, which one would you want to take out? [Read]

The Republicans need a high-profile object lesson, and there's nothing like showing you can unseat one of their "top men."

A Good First Step

Pull the rest of your operations out of there, too. [Read]

[Via Andrea Shea King]

The World of Tomorrow

Well, in Oregon they'll be having some gun bill hearings. [More]

Situation Tragedy

Andrea Shea King looks at a new show that may be preempted due to lousy ratings.  Let's just hope not before the episode where she has to eat chocolates coming off the conveyor belt... [Read]

Sounds of Silence

Kurt shows an ignorant noisemaker for what he is. [Read]

‘Progressive’ reaction to Thatcher death shows no amount of appeasement enough

What you voluntarily give up will never be enough. The demand for control is all-encompassing and insatiable. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the collectivists will be happy to accept all the concessions we care to surrender -- right up to the point where they'll no longer have to give us a choice.

This Day in History: April 9

[S]ailors from armed British vessels anchored in the Potomac near St. Clement’s [Blackistone] Island, attempted to land at Stratford Landing as part of their mission to destroy and loot the plantation houses along both sides of the river. [More]