Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Capital Idea

Interestingly, the father of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza, an executive at GE Capital. [More]
Yeah, that is interesting.

It's also interesting that they didn't reject any portion of that stimulus money that might have come from shaking down gun owners.

Here's something else that's interesting: They didn't give their stockholders time to react.

Good thing we know this kind of management works.

[Via several of you]

The World of Tomorrow

The Multnomah County Commissioners are planning to pass an anti-gun ordinance this Thursday at 9:30 AM. [More]
Let me guess: In the world of the day after tomorrow, I'll be able to report that Kevin was accompanied by dozens of outraged Oregon gun owners, and the ones that couldn't make it at least helped him with gas money.

What They Mean By Change

Bring it on, traitor. [Read]

[Via several of you]

What's this Kid Trying to Do?

Start a riot? [Read]

I still want to know who the @$$h0!e teacher is.

[Via Florida Guy]

The "Only Ones" Loophole

Tsarnaev Brothers Killed MIT Officer Because They Needed A Gun [More]
There oughtta be a law!

Besides all this.

[Via bondmen]

In Their Community

In the wake of Congress’ inability to pass a gun-control bill, a broad coalition of African American pastors has announced a new nationwide campaign designed to curb the appetite for people to use handguns that they say has led to the preaching of far too many funerals in their community. [More]
Let me get this straight: They say the problem is in their community, so their solution is to impose restrictions in communities nationwide where individuals may be enjoying their freedoms and handling their responsibilities as volitional beings just fine, thank you...?

Gee willikers, what ever happened to "What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne"?

Taking the Initiative

The City Council on Tuesday voted 6-1 to direct staff to develop a plan to "draft initiatives on gun control" and "support gun control laws." [More]
In violation of California state preemption, mind you, but since when has following the law ever stopped those who would pass and enforce laws against you? 

[Via Dave Licht]


Makes as much sense this time as it did last time the swindlers used it...

[Via Michael G]

Beantown Postmortem

The Captain's Journal has some observations and introduces us to a confused soul who doesn't know the difference between the militia and the standing army. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Corrective Enough

If 13 is "a few bad apples," how many were in that particular barrel? [Read]

[Via several of you]

It's a Madhouse! A Ma-adhouse!

America’s Insane Asylum for Jihadists, Hustlers and Frauds [More
And big bro was on the "terror watch list" plus had a domestic violence rap, and Mom was a shoplifter who fled the country with an outstanding warrant! 

When are people going to wake up and realize the only true solution is to impose more "gun control" on you and me?

[Via Andrea Shea King]

An Explosive Propostion

Chris Woodard expects it to fizzle out.  Still, we need to keep our eyes on these things, because wildfire infernos can be touched off with a tiny spark. [Read]

Proposed HIPAA privacy rule on gun background checks open for comments

That the Obama administration is hostile to the concept of an armed citizenry is a given. That the president was bitterly disappointed by failure of the Senate to pass any new legislation was observable. That his administration pledged “under the radar” efforts and that his Vice President has been telling supporters to expect Executive Orders are documented. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what YOU think about the Obama administration wanting to remove privacy barriers to effect more "gun control."

Don't tell me, tell them. And tell a friend.

This Day in History: April 24

Phillips and Arnold launch attack on Petersburg, Virginia [More]