Friday, April 26, 2013

‘Guns across the Border’ tells inside story of Operation Wide Receiver CI

What you can expect is to join him as he hosts cartel gun buyers in his living room as ATF agents monitor things from outside the house. If you followed Fast and Furious, you can expect to see a familiar face. You can expect to see screw-ups and betrayals. And, if you’re like me, you can expect to find yourself sometimes wanting to shout at Mike through the pages and ask him what the hell he was thinking to ever get involved in such a mess, let alone volunteer for it. That’s when you’ll know he’s done his job as a writer, and not only immersed his readers in the settings of his narrative, but gotten us to care. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report reviews a new book that will flesh things out for those of you who have been keeping informed on all things "gunwalker," and will open up a whole new chapter for those who haven't.

More Holes in It than Albert Hall

This story keeps changing more than the one about Lanza. [Read]

[Via Mack H]

An Impossibility

"Reasonable discussion" with someone who thinks laying claim to what is yours without your consent is reasonable... [Read]

Plus, Bracken gives an etiquette lesson.  Backs straight and hold those pinkies out, gentlemen!

A Public Menace

When pressure cookers are outlawed... [Read]

[Via Mack H]

I'm Melting! MELL-TIIING!!

I love watching these creatures turn on each other. [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

"Maverick" is His Name

John McCain Says He’ll Help Bring Gun Control “Back” [More
Somebody must have flipped over the Red Queen.

[Via Neil W]

A Charlotte Democrat

A North Carolina lawmaker says he was caught off guard by the angry responses he got to a bill that would require the owners of pit bulls, mastiffs and Rottweilers and other large breeds to undergo criminal background checks. [More

Jeez, Rodney. I expect you'll have some more surprises coming if you keep pushing your agenda on people who aren't in the market for a control freak collectivist overlord.

[Via Florida Guy]

A Good First Step

AMMO Act would limit ammo buying, storing for non-Pentagon departments and agencies [More
OK by me. Just keep in mind the unintended consequence will be it will also limit stores that can be liberated.

[Via Florida Guy]

There's Got to Be an Explanation

Like, perhaps Mother Jones is a subversive propaganda outlet for lying-ass, conflating Marxist domestic enemies... [Read]

[Via bondmen]

Me, I Want a Hula-Hoop

This is some "progress report." I just did a quick scan and couldn't find the word "perjury." [More]

More's the pity. Because that's just what Hillary committed.

I sure wish the Repubs would strap 'em on and act like they want to win this thing. The whole thing.   Except their "leadership" is part of the Big Lie, aren't they?

I went to their website to see if this report is posted there, and the big news of the day seems to be the Helium Administration & Stewardship Act. I immediately pictured Boehner, McConnell and Cantor sitting around sucking on balloons and then talking and giggling like Alvin, Simon Theodore.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

It's All About Control

If not firearms, how about fireworks control? [More
Why not controls for gasoline, too?

These unAmerican ungulates continue to reveal how desperately ridiculous they are. And as typical of their ilk, they fail to consider Founding intent for American Independence:
It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

The "Right People"

He called for the U.S. to ... provide weapons to the "right people." [More
I thought they already did that, and the result was a dead ambassador. So, Bened...I mean, John: Will you run the same background checks on them you seem bound and determined to impose on me?

And as for using chemical weapons, why do I keep thinking of all those poor suffering dead children at Waco, actually more than at Newtown for those intent on playing a numbers game...?

Here's a novel idea: If the U.S. wants to insert itself militarily in Syria, there's a Constitutional provision for doing that.

What does Dear Leader say about us when matters of life and death are being considered...? We deserve a vote...? Because we deserve to know exactly what out elected representatives have enabled...?

Was His Face Red!

What do a race-obsessed, gun-grabbing Mennonite academic and a communist apparatchik have in common? [Read

Besides the same body and a penchant for genocide-enabling fanaticism...?

The Outlaw Patriot

What an outstanding graphic!

Despite the trials he's had to endure, I can tell you for a fact the facial expression reflects who this man is. Anger gets expressed at times because it has to be, but at his core you're looking at someone who has not forgotten that faith, love and good cheer are the ultimate fruits of Liberty, and what make the struggle worth it.

I'd love to see this portrait go viral. Beyond the internet:  Print out copies and post them in public places.  Don't give any further explanation -- those with curiosity have enough information just with the picture to find out more, plus if enough of us do this, the buzz of who this guy is and what it's all about would only attract more notice.

To that end, I posted a pdf file you can download/print and then cut out and start posting.  It would be great to get these SMUGGLED into places like the U.S. Capitol, New York or other City Halls, your State House, court houses, airports, you name it--any place the state holds itself's not like a pocketful of guerrilla marketing pieces of paper would register in the security scans, and even if they did, so what?

Join the Smuggler Revolution!

Despised by the Despicable

CSGV's Josh Horwitz attacks Mike and Kurt. [Read]

I'm jealous -- no mention of yours truly, and last time they made one, their main complaint against me seemed to be that I'm "white."

Reading Kurt's piece just after making today's history post, below, brought a thought to the fore, and that is how history is written by the victors. British Maj. Coffin and his superiors certainly wouldn't have referred to the Continental dragoons that routed them as "Patriots."  They were considered traitors, in open rebellion against the King and his government.

Compare that to what the hive insect collectivists say about those who don't buy into their "monopoly of violence" fetish.  Is there any doubt which side Horwitz and his cadre of authority worshipers would have taken back when?

This Day in History: April 26

As they drew alongside the woods, the Patriots poured shot after shot into them, killing and wounding half of them. [More]