Police plant drugs on homeless black woman [Watch]I realize the video is almost three years old, but it's new to me, and I thought it deserves a place on the WarOnGuns "Only Ones" Plantation.
[Via Kevin Starrett]
Police plant drugs on homeless black woman [Watch]I realize the video is almost three years old, but it's new to me, and I thought it deserves a place on the WarOnGuns "Only Ones" Plantation.
It’s a question many of us must ask ourselves... [Read]The way I figure, if I'm not killed, long enough to get more.
If we are to live as a free people and avoid the clutches of oppression, it is imperative that we learn the history of this Anglo-American right... [More]That is, unless we believe that there are certain rights we just have to give up in order to be secure... besides, if you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to fear?
Connecticut State Police Finally Admit Open Carry is Lawful [More]Well, that's mighty nice of these law enforcers.
MB Studio Productions’ “High Capacity Magazine PSA” provides a chilling unfolding of events in just over two minutes that demonstrates the “need” in a powerful and compelling drama. Everything about it, from the production values, to the writing, to the performances, is top notch, and this is something that gun rights advocates need to help make go viral. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report is also today's Five Minute Activism task. Watch this outstanding video and help make it go viral.
State Rep. James Grant, R-Tampa, believes the provision could open the door to lawyers asking doctors about the gun-toting habits of their patients and, over time, use the information to build a database of gun owners who could be charged higher insurance rates. [More]So why wouldn't gun owners throw such questions right back in their doctor's face?
But the opposite could easily be true. After requiring background checks, the government may be more reluctant to impose other restrictions on gun ownership. [More]Then again, maybe if you domestic enemies hadn't time and again let slip your end game, this latest bit of slippery diversion might catch more with their guard down. And it's not a slope this subversive would lead us down, it's a precipice.
He heard back through their broker and was informed that just 3 days before, our government made it illegal to export that equipment to US citizens. [More]I'd like to track down the agency order for that -- it seems plausible, as ammunition manufacturing machines are specified in ITAR as being on the US Munitions List, and we've seen that the administration is doing what it can to "clarify" things with that by involving Eric Holder.
She said the billboard brings to her mind one of the most horrendous examples of that, the Wounded Knee Massacre on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890. Historical accounts say the 7th Cavalry had detained a band of Native Americans and asked them to give up their weapons. Troops began firing after a shot rang out. Death toll estimates of Native American men, women and children range from 150 to 300. [More]So what's the problem here...?
Stronger gun control laws would have prevented the accused Boston bombers from getting firearms and could prevent future terror attacks, according to a New York Democratic lawmaker. [More]And she said it with a straight face.