Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Good new video from Colion Noir at NRA News... [Watch]

Its Monstrous Thirst

Nonetheless, the resolute press on with a spirit that will not be defeated.

I know who I'm betting on.

Gun civil rights documentary screens this month in theaters nationwide

“We need these theaters packed each night to get a nationwide release of the film,” the update advises project supporters. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column invites you to attend a screening -- and tells you how to hold one of your own.

Meanwhile, STILL Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Mayhem in the city: 25 people shot in 48 hours [More
Almost made me choke on my Big Gulp...Thank goodness they've at least got those lighter scofflaws under control.

[Via Florida Guy]

Speaking of Going Full B. Todd...

The Firearms Coalition has some "critical questions." [More]

We're the Only Ones All Wet Enough

"That has nothing to do with the Second Amendment right. It has to do with public safety," former Chief Dallas Staples said. [More]
Spoken like a true career trough-feeder who considers that oath just a necessary evil for the sake of ceremony.

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Words "Terror Suspects" Is

The fascist editors of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette who will leave no right untrampled in their insane quest for an unchallengeable controller, pretend they know what the hell they're talking about. [More]

Bait and switch notwithstanding, we all know who is really being targeted, and why.

That Damn Dam

Somebody better tell the Little Dutch Boy another leak just opened up. [More]

[Via Ron W]

War of Words

DHS flags tweets about 'militia,' but not 'jihad' [More
Yet more confirmation for a point Mike also made.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise

What's one of the main purposes of government again...? To secure the blessings of liberty...? [More]

$60K seems kind of cruel and unusual. I guess the unnamed inspector and city law department spokeswoman think just following orders provides some kind of immunity for personal responsibility in being a willing and well-compensated part of this official arrogance.

Interesting though-- note when the well-connected get caught in a similar bind (albeit in a different anti-gun jurisdiction), well, let's just say the results are different.

Hey, the more enemies these tyrants create, the better I like it. 

[Via Florida Guy]

Reversed Polarity

This is just not normal.  Someone who knows and cares about this guy should see if an intervention would be appropriate before he does something even more bizarre.  [More]

Going Full B. Todd -- UPDATE

You never go full B. Todd, but the Senate Judiciary Committee intends to try on June 4 starting at 10 a.m. Eastern. [More]

Here's their schedule.

It appears we'll be able to watch a webcast head movie that will make our eyes rain at that link.

UPDATE: It's been postponed 'til the 11th.

An Unholy Alliance

To win elections, many officeholders and candidates—especially those who represent parts of the city with high concentrations of street gangs—turn to those gangs as their de facto political organizations.[More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

This Day in History: June 4

The defining moment came on June 4, 1781, when troops under Banastre Tarleton entered Charlottesville and nearly captured Jefferson at home. [More]