Friday, June 14, 2013

Today's Five-Minute Activism

If you haven't already done so, read today's GRE for background.

Then go to the No More Names website and sign up to “Get the latest updates about the tour -- be the first to know when it's coming to your town.”

States where the bus will stop include: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Then post resulting notifications on blogs, message boards, social media and the like to organize groups to greet the bus and to give reporters covering it an informed alternative viewpoint. Hopefully, your state gun group will also be coordinating things.

Let me know when you find out, too, if you would, and I will post the info:

Bloomberg bus tour coy with locations and dates for a reason

The second and more likely reason, considering the AstroTurf nature of Bloomberg ventures demonstrated time and again, would be to keep the grassroots from embarrassing his road show by mustering overwhelming support for gun rights and against citizen disarmament, and stealing the spotlight at what were to be carefully-controlled staged events. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report lets some air out of Bloomberg's tires.

The Unseen Horror

Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL] is determined to protect us from it if he has to kill us. [More]

Multiple Breaches

I wonder what those security experts would say if they could look at Mike and my computers? [More]

[Via several of you]

Follow the Money

You can even watch it changing hands. [More]

Hey, have you priced AstroTurf lately?

[Via Everrest]

Physician, Heal Thyself

Interview with Dr. Adam Goldstein on assessment of competency for concealed-weapons permits and physicians' roles in reducing gun violence. [Listen]

First of all, who requires this? Would this be the result of some kind of court order?

He says there were no standards so he basically made them up as he went along. What are his credentials and what are the peer-reviewed authorities and processes that validates decisions? What recourse does someone who is denied have, and what liability does the doctor have if he nixes a permit and the patient becomes a victim?

This is just so incredibly dangerous with making physicians de facto deputized law enforcement agents. We've already seen disincentives to get something as basic as grief counseling.

If your doctor presumes to be an authority on dispensing gun advice, demand to know his qualifications.

If Only We'd Had Background Checks

It wouldn't have made a bit of difference, but logic isn't what's being exploited here. [More]

Gee, Harry, you're some "true champion of the Second Amendment."

Bueno para Mí, pero No para Ti

The program had the help of the church and local Catholic parishes were used as collections centers for the firearms.  Among the leaders who helped push the program included Distrito Federal president Miguel Angel Mancera... [More]
Say, that wouldn't be the same Miguel Angel Mancera who gets followed everywhere by armed bodyguards who shot and killed a man in 2007 for trying to rob him of his his watch...?


For the price of a meal for two in a reasonably decent restaurant, you change the behavior forever of a nation of over three hundred million. Such a deal. [More]
Looks like we're going to need some more liberty to trade for security. Anybody know where we can find some?

Wasn't Archimedes supposed to have said something about a lever and a place to stand?

But it Didn't Stop a Group of Teenagers

No, of course it didn't. [More]

Who would be fool enough to believe that it would?