Thursday, August 08, 2013

Bloomberg group resorts to stealth membership drive

That deception and subterfuge are preferred tactics is a given. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a sneak attack that caught everyone unawares -- and it may just be a trial run for something they're planning to do again and again, unless gun owners put their city councils on notice that they won't stand for it.

Christie Moving on NJ Gun Bills

ANJRPC has the details and a plea for help. [More]

Lest you're tempted to just write them off, along with California, and Illinois and New York and...hey, there are some good people just like us on the front lines asking for our support. We can ignore them and offer unhelpful opinions, but if they fall, don't think the focus and resources won't turn to us.  If we call for help, I'm sure there will be no shortage of opinions telling us to cede the field to the oppressor and move.

Where to?

Haven gives ‘gun safety’ advocates everything they ask for and more

"The law ... guarantees social safety and protects lives and property of people ..." [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes those who give up all liberty for ruler safety get unmasked tyranny.

We're the Only Ones Confused Enough

I think saying he was confused is overly generous.  I think he thinks we are the enemy in need of a paramilitary response. [More]

[Via Jess]

Washington Post's Obama Fast and Furious rating earns own ‘Pinocchios’

Rather than giving Obama four Pinnochios for that flat-out lie, the “Fact Checker” only gave him three, along with a hollow excuse. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes Obama's isn't the only nose that's growing.

Oh, No, Can't Have a "Brain Drain"

Where would the staffers go? [More]

It's not exactly like the "Arrogant Bureaucratic Parasite" section of the want ads is filled with openings.


It is painfully obvious that the government is not troubled by its own violation of the Constitution. [More]
As usual, Judge Napolitano sums things up well.

Just keep in mind that benefits have costs. The daily arrogant overreach has consequences.

This Day in History: August 9

From this circumstance, and information received from Major McPherson, who left Annapolis on Monday about noon, that the Enemy’s fleet was neither seen nor heard of since the Thursday morning preceding, it is concluded they must have sailed for New-York. Genl Lesslie is certainly gone for Charlestown, tho’ it is believed without any Troops. [More]

UPDATES to Colorado "No Guns" Apartment Story

The no guns policy has been rescinded. It turns out the complex is owned by the housing authority and supported with tax dollars. The property management company, owned by Democrat operatives, acted without authorization.

See updates at the end of today's GRE column.