Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Documentary to show ‘Second Amendment in crosshairs’

Gun rights advocates who see a value in countering the well-funded media efforts of control zealots like Michael Bloomberg, the constant barrage of anti-gun sentiment promulgated by so-called “news,” and the mindless cheer-leading of Hollywood numbskulls that serve only to egg on a fan base that values being entertained over being free have a chance to put their money where their mouth is. As of moments ago, the “Infringed” Kickstarter page went live and is now open to receive contributions to help make this important project a reality. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report asks gun owners who complain of unfair mass media treatment what it's worth to them to counter such messages.

Conn. gun rights group rejects ‘lockstep’ GOP gubernatorial candidate Boucher

“Very simply, gun owners have had it with these lawmakers." [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes some activists who are refusing to be used, and who are putting turncoat Republicans on notice.

Another Public/Private Partnership

Hey, what's wrong with a little common sense press control? [More]

The Suppressor of Record

Because the Times is the nation’s “newspaper of record,” and you are unquestionably the nation’s leading reporter of stories... [More]
Yeah, they've done such a bang-up job on "Gunwalker."

[Via Michael G]

AsignaciĆ³n de Datos

This illustrates one of the main ways government creates a national demand for enhanced militarized policing and "gun control," and public/private partnership mouthpieces like award-winning plagiarist Sari Horwitz are right there to cheer them on. [More]

We're the Only Ones Roughing It Enough

"Alcohol is suspected," Whitmore said. "This is gross negligence." [More]
Really Steve? It's not more than that?

Is that what you'd be telling the papers about me if I'd shot a gun to scare off feral pigs invading my campsite?  Would your colleague Wes Simmons be dismissing it all with a chuckle?

Yeah, these state-sanctioned gang thugs are the "Only Ones" we can trust to carry guns, right California?  Right, L.A. Times?

[Via Random Generic Guy]

The Thug Report

Interesting website.  That body count table ought to be a widget. [More]

A culture that allows this cannot long survive.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Informed Enough

"Our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation," Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub said on Monday. [More]

Yeah, just give 'em what they want.  Even if what they want is you.

If Shorty had given them what they deserve, the young worthies would be the latest martyrs to exploit and stir up rage for.

A Public/Private Partnership

Interesting. Try to call Hillary, get a call back from the head of Google's main squeeze. [More]

And remember: Don't be evil!

[Via Russ H]

It's a MAD House! A MAAAD HOUSE!!!

As in "Mapping Arms Data"... [More]

Just think what we can do with this once we have universal registration! 

Technology, of course, can be used or abused.  In the hands of globalist bedwetters it will tell one story, but this tool actually has some cool potentials someone who knows the right information to collect -- say a John Lott or a Gary Kleck -- could no doubt make productive use of.

The site being reported on takes a bit of time to load and is not supported by IE, so they say to use Firefox or Chrome. I have no idea how or if it works with stuff like Tor or not.

[Via Lou S]

Murderers for Gun Control

Boy, you can sure tell a lot about people from the company they keep. [More]

Kurt just found the second one in a week.

I think Bloomberg needs to bankroll a "Criminals Demand a Plan" group...

This Day in History: August 27

The Whig commanders called out the names of leading Patriot commanders and ordered their forces to attack from different locations, while in reality the same sixty men attacked again. The Whigs continued the deception, convincing many Loyalists that they were under attack by nearly 1,000 men, and causing chaos within the Tory militia. [More]