Friday, September 13, 2013

Senate panel brings federal law one step closer to kneecapping bloggers

You’re damn right I take this personally. [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report looks at the latest Intolerable Act, noting it could literally prove to be a matter of life or death.

We're NOT the Only Ones...

Local sheriff: I won't enforce gun law ... [More]

Orders he won't obey... what a novel concept.

Those who badmouth "Oath Keepers" because they don't see immediate and overt results to their liking, this is the kind of fruit that is borne from the seeds being planted.  It serves our interests to encourage that.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

A "Progressive" Showplace

Frontlines visits what in many areas resembles a Third World hellhole. [More]

Until the people who have had this happen to their neighborhoods realize they've been betrayed, it will only get worse. The thing is, the ones they've traditionally voted for want to expand their misery-resulting policies everywhere. Which ultimately confirms that poor choices have consequences...

Also from NRA Women: "Situational Awareness."

We're the Only Ones on Trial Enough

"The Entire Police Force of Middlesboro, Kentucky, on Trial..." [More]
What? You mean it was more than a few bad apples?

Some things never change...

Some day, in my copious free time, I need to track that story down.  It sounds like it would make one hell of a script.

Thank You, Captain Obvious

Guns Could Be Issue in Governor's Race [More]

Ya think?

[Via Jess]

Alinsky Rule 5

Stephen Colbert tries it on Andrea Shea King... [Watch]

He sure threw up a lot of flak trying to shoot her down.  I guess that has nothing to do with being near the target...


And remember, if they're subhuman, you can kill 'em! [More]

Are you vermin?


SB 374 would ban future sales of semiautomatic rifles that have detachable magazines. Those who already own  assault weapons without fixed magazines would be required to register them with the state by July 1, 2014. [More]
You know, like these guys helped register last time...
Countered Steinberg: “Do law abiding citizens need guns that can shoot 50 to 100 to 200 rounds at one time?”
Need one? Hell, I'd like to see one.

Naturally, gifted "Republican" Lee Baca is on board with the ban.

As I said, it will be interesting to see what Moonbeam does with these.

It will also be interesting to see what the "leadership" will advise California gun owners will do. I'd imagine a lawsuit centered around the "in common use at the time" concept... the thing is, the Ninth Circuit has shown its colors, and all SCOTUS then need do is...nothing.

On the Run Redux

Tonight on ASTNtv's "Stop the Threat"... [Details]

Poll Dancers

Bloomberg just stuffed another bill in their g-string... [More]

Damn Intact Reservoir

9News Denver: Real reporters. Spelling you can trust. [More]

[Via cydl]

Human Rights = No Self-Defense

As moderated by Dick Durbin... [More]

Orwell, paging Mr. Orwell...

Remember what we say around here about "Progressives" and "Opposite Day"?

[Via Michael G]

Freedom from Guns

...statewide polls showing that most Coloradans support modest gun control and opposed the recall campaigns...[More]
You just had a "statewide poll," buddy. Keep coming up with excuses and lies, though.  It gives us someone to point and laugh at.

Hive insects sure do a lot of buzzing when their nests get whacked.

[Via Mack H]

That Old Orwellian Meme

You know, "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"...?

According to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, voter organization and turnout is voter suppression.

For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day!

You Don't Kick a Man when He's Down?

Why the hell not? [More]

When will we have a better chance?

You don't want a fight, don't start one.  If you do, don't expect your victim to give up until you've been stopped.

An Urgent Appeal

Jim Simpson needs our help. [More]

If you can't help financially, you can help by letting others know.

I know exactly where he is coming from.

People labor daily and yet there is no "demand" in "legitimate media" for anything that doesn't fit the narrative.  Nor are there any Bloombergs or foundations stepping in to save the day.

Add a dose of "Profiles in Apathy," and I can't tell you how many projects I've seen fold over the years, and how many good people I've seen bear a burden until it just becomes too much, so they put it down and we all lose, especially those who have no clue as to what they just allowed to die from neglect.

How many people have helped out the Reese family? Or promoted "Assaulted" or "Infringed"? Or sent a voluntary subscription stipend over Sipsey Street way? Or even lifted a finger to share a link?

I know the happy few who do help can't do it all.  But most do nothing, aside from leaving a comment expressing their opinion, and considering that their contribution to the cause.

If we end up losing this, our enemies won't be the only ones responsible.

A "Dear John" Letter

Companies lay off thousands, then demand immigration reform for new labor [More
And here is everybody who signed it.

Meet Your Missouri Gun Rights Leaders!

Let's see, there's this guy:
Tom Dempsey is a passionate supporter of the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution. Tom has sponsored legislation allowing law-abiding citizens to obtain a license in order to carry a concealed weapon and ensuring Missourians have the freedom to protect themselves in their own home, resulting in an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). 
And then there's this guy:
Ron Richard has been endorsed by … National Rifle Association of America 
So how come they did this?
Senate President Pro Tem Tom Dempsey and Majority Leader Ron Richard split from the rest of the GOP caucus that they lead to instead sustain Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon's veto.
And will there be any repercussions?

Not unless Missouri gun owners want there to be badly enough to make them happen.

Yeah, I know, some will point to Montana and argue the measure never would have withstood legal challenge and that it was just symbolic.  Even were that true, what does this betrayal symbolize?  That we have just rolled over and accepted such corruption from the courts and perversion of founding intent, and that the Second and Tenth Amendments aren't worth fighting the feds on every step of the way...?

This Day in History: September 13

This was a dreadful day for Thomas Lindley as well as all families involved in the battle. Tragically, several families including the Lindley family were split on which side to fight. As a result of this, it pitted father against son, and brother against brother. [More]