Thursday, September 19, 2013

Would Someone Lock This Maniac Up?

Or give him a gun and airdrop him into Tehran...? [More]

Losing Traction

The Bloomberg bus is spinning its wheels. [More]

That's a better outcome than the Founders spinning in their graves, wouldn't you say?

The Fruits of "Compromise"

The anti-gun crowd doesn't want "compromise." They want confiscation and control. [More]
David Hardy has a Reason article that all gun owners need to read. Anyone who tells you the "slippery slope" is just gun owner "paranoia" is demonstrably a damned liar.

His observations show the reason I am so adamant against throwing even the smallest scrap of flesh to the circling hyenas, as some of our "leaders" are proving themselves so adamant about doing, without consulting the rest of us, I might add.

Obama arms export law workaround recalls unlawful arming of cartels

The simple, basic question investigators have (intentionally?) left unasked is: Were arms export laws waived or ignored in Operation Fast and Furious? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what no one else in the media will, meaning most will never see these questions, let alone consider them or demand their representatives ask them, unless you share them.

NSSF Continues Quest for Preemptive Surrender

Nothing like a blanket dragnet to catch more Americans in.  They have been overtly bound and determined to throw the circling jackals a hunk of flesh ever since Newtown.  And they keep bringing it up, especially, it seems, when the momentum is going our way.  They're like the damn antis, they're so insistent on throwing something under the bus.   [More]

About That War Trauma...

...Yeah, we're gonna have to punish you a bit more for that... [More]

But thanks for your service!

We're the Fauxnly Ones Game Enough

Kirolos Abdel Sayed, 19, an auxiliary police officer, and his two buddies, Frank Santanastaso, 19, and Matthew Kirsheh, 20, allegedly strolled into the Staten Island Mall just after midnight and flashed a badge so they could get into a GameStop, cops said. [More]
I don't know what the powers of an auxiliary police officer are supposed to be, but the authoritarian little punk had the right attitude to go far until this...

Just in case you ever need to plead that you weren't sure people harassing you were real cops, don't forget there are plenty of "Fauxnly Ones" examples you can use in your defense to show that such concerns aren't groundless.

The Experts Agree

Charlie's on board with you, Wayne.  Now what? [More]

I still haven't had anyone who parrots that stupid line explain to me how it's any different from saying "Enforce existing Intolerable Acts."

It's About Control

We've talked about Oberlin a few times in the past week after the city council violated Ohio preemption law and tried to ban guns in parks -- a law since repealed.

Dave Noice from Ohioans for Concealed Carry addressed the council at that meeting. Here's his address to the council during public comment.

He tells me "the new revision is still faulty.  In addition, there are several other city ordinances that are in violation of state this problem is ongoing."

Town Hall

The ABC affiliate in Columbus will be doing a "town hall"-style program on "Stand Your Ground" on September 24, 7 to 8 p.m. at the OSU Union. Our friends at Ohioans for Concealed Carry sent out an email alert with a link to a sign-up form for those gun rights activists who would like to be part of the audience.

The event will also be live-streamed.

Return of the Bitter Clinger

This @$$wipe no sooner gets done tweeting a lying cartoon then he comes up with this gem, egged on by Alex Wagner, naturally:
“Their guns are right there next to their bibles, I’m not sure which is more important to them.”
Come, let us find out together, Steve.

He can get away with this because the 9th District "is one of the safest seats in the nation for the Democratic Party, and has not been seriously contested by a Republican in its current configuration."

It's instructive, because you'll notice in all such districts, when they feel invincible, the masks start coming off, revealing more and more about their true intent...

Graphic Finds

While deciding if I wanted to embed a Prohibition-themed graphic in the last post, I came across these gems:

The Obvious Solution

Chicago ... booze ... violence ... something must be done!  But what? [More]

This is a job for government!

Forget it Jake, it's ChiTown.

Enslave Us, We're Begging You!

Regarding one of the more controversial issues of the day – gun control – a new poll shows that voters support three bills that recently were turned aside by the governor. [More]
Contemptible, stupid Eloi.

I believe Mr. Adams would like a word with you.

CT 2A Poker Run

Gun Rights Supporters across Connecticut will unite this coming Saturday for a combination Motorcycle and Automobile Poker Run.This fund is to finance the legal challenge against (PA 13-3) and restore the rights taken away from Connecticut citizens. [More
If you're from there, spread the word.