Monday, September 23, 2013

Sheepdogs Need Not Apply

And then we can extrapolate this to humans... [More]

[Via Carl S]

AP 'real reporters' spread disinformation to support gun ban agenda

Does anyone think Carla and Herbert are lazy, incompetent, agenda-driven, dishonest, or some combination of these (perhaps all), or is there an alternative explanation that could account for the crap quality of their thinly-disguised propaganda piece presented to an unsuspecting public as "news"? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists doing what they do best—spreading fascist propaganda.

Zero Tolerance

I wish I could say "Unbelievable." [More]

Public schools, their teachers, their unions, their administrators and their boards, have increasingly become subversive elements. As with all things "progressive," expecting the opposite from anything they promote would be prudent.

I haven't found which school this is yet, so that I can post appropriate contact information.

[Via everrest]


If one were going to profile, what would you estimate the odds are this was done by Second Amendment supporters? [More]

We're the Only Ones Excellent Enough

Dawson Police Chief Charles Whitehead says, "it's a sad for the Dawson Public Safety Department because we hate that this incident happened, but we lost an excellent employee for the time being." [More]
"The time being"?

Does that mean they expect to take him back?

[Via Florida Guy]

We're NOT the Only Ones

Tell me this past practice ain't the way things ougtta be. [More]

Great find.  I'm researching a piece on government gun destruction this will dovetail into nicely.

A Global Norm

A new article by Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan J. Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen notes even the antis have to admit:
[F]orcible attempts to disarm people who still need guns to defend themselves—including for protection from predatory governments—are likely to lead to massive resistance, and to an escalating cycle of human rights abuses by government forces, and finally, to re-armament by the victim population. 
They're overly optimistic if they think some will need to re-arm.

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions

Do you agree that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to own and bear guns without infringement? [More]
I wonder how many ignoramuses who don't know why they're wrong and get all angry and obnoxious with people who do answered "yes"?  I don't fee like giving out my edress and zip code to find out-- I get enough targeted spam as is.

See, there's a problem with some websites people accept as sympatico because of the tone they strike to appeal to a certain readership. Ever since I found out Ruddy was part of a mutual admiration society with Clinton, I've had about as much use for Newsmax as I've had with that obnoxious carnival barker "conservative" Michael Savage.

Yet again I must defer to Mr. Pynchon.

The Logic of Violence

This is a pretty effective presentation.

I have to admit I'm not familiar with Billy Johnson, so I did some checking and found this:
Billy Johnson, the owner of Boxer Tactical and the AmidsTheNoise YouTube channel announced today that he has joined the NRA News team as a commentator. Personally, I’ve been looking forward to this announcement for quite a while. I think Billy is going to bring a completely different perspective to the NRA with the ability to reach a different demographic by focusing on ALL liberty issues and not just gun control. This is important, and sometimes lost on the firearms community. Our liberties are all important and all interconnected – lose one and you will very likely lose them all.

How Far?

As much of a contemptible headcase toad as I perceive this wretch to be, I would err on the side of free speech. [More]

[Via bondmen]

How Many More Must Die?

I don't know. You tell me. [More]

How badly do you want to disarm us, and what are you willing to do to make it happen?

Because we will not disarm.  And since you're so on intent on trying, the question you've got to ask yourself is "How many am I willing to have killed?"

And some will not go gentle into that good night.

The Tipping Point

Are you sure you really want to push things over the edge, Fred? [More]

Because with inane pontifications like "It seems obvious that military-style weapons with no hunting or self-defense purpose should not be circulating," it seems obvious to anyone who actually knows what they're talking about that you're ignorant, sheltered and irresponsible, and haven't really thought this through.

The Wrong Question

Thing is, if these experts know so much, and can identify all that’s wrong with the system, why aren’t they out there preventing it? [More]
Because they're not really experts. Like you, they are agenda standard-bearers.

Way to once more prove that Pynchon quote, though.

This Day in History: September 23

Maj. Crag ordered his cavalry and sixty infantrymen to go disperse the mounted Patriots. The British drove them up the road for about three miles before discovering that 200 Patriots had built a defensive position on the road. [More]