Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Taking a Stand

Ted Cruz is showing independent leadership. [Watch]

No wonder that wretched cancerous lump Karl Rove is determined to destroy him.

A Professor of Consitutional Law

Hey, just like Obama! [More]

Domestic enemies are so cute when they think they've got the upper hand.

[Via WRSA]

Kenya mall massacre enabled by ‘restrictive’ gun laws

Of significance to any "law-abiding" mall shoppers who may own guns in compliance with all the restrictions, “In Kenya, carrying a firearm in plain view in a public place is prohibited [and] carrying a concealed firearm in a public place is prohibited.” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes more “common sense gun safety” measures in place than a government-enabled monster can shake a full-auto AK-47 at.

It's Projection

They know THEY can't be trusted to control their emotions, and the thought that others may not share in their contemptible personal deficiencies is something they'd rather not reflect on and contemplate --especially since it's so much easier to resent and hate people who are capable and whole, and assign the distrust to everyone that they secretly hold for themselves. [More]

We Don't Obey the Rules We Have Now

Say, gang, I've got a swell idea!  Let's add more! [More]

Chris Woodard lists the latest proposed Intolerable Acts.

سريع وغاضب

As near as Google Translate can get me, that's "Fast and Furious" in Arabic. [More]

[Via John B]


Scott Wilson does some televised community outreach and shows the viewers that CT gun owners are  articulate, rational, composed and from all walks of life. [Watch]

There are many good lessons to learn and emulate here.

We're the Only Ones Suspicious Enough

A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy shot at a "suspicious pedestrian" in Paramount over the weekend before using a Taser on the man, authorities said. [More]
Inspector Clouseau? Yes? You have something to add?

Then the minkey's breaking the leu.

[Via Florida Guy]


The piece itself is a 20-foot long by eight-foot tall pencil drawing, graphic drawing, very realistic, of a  AR-15 Bushmaster automatic assault rifle... [More]

You're quite the ignorant media dupe there, aren't you Greg?  The deceivers are counting on unquestioning fools like you.

Yeah, erase it and it will go away. Pull the covers over your head and "it" can't get you?

In frightened children that's one thing.  In adults, it's just...universally stupid.

Not to mention contemptible. Boy, was Julia Gorin right about your type.

[Via Florida Guy]

ASKing Detty

Andrea Shea King will interview Mike Detty tonight on her talk radio program about his book "Guns Across the Border."

Mike will come on at 9:30 p.m. Eastern.

The program starts at 9. Click here to listen.

Come, Let Us Reason Together

He never did respond to this.

We'll see if he replies. Any bets on if he does that it will be non-responsive snark?

And from Wayne's point of view, why would it be in his interests to help Morgan triple his ratings?

Armed American Radio Redux

The great Massad Ayoob, Alan Gottlieb from the Second Amendment Foundation, Larry Pratt from the Gun Owners of America, George the Mad Ogre Hill, David Codrea, Peter Gould and Gary Theroux along with Joshua Prince and Tom Odom of the Prince Law Offices.

You Don't Say

Bottom line, the investigators concluded "that the New Orleans Field Division did not comply with ATF's administrative action policy in the Guns & Ammo case and did not follow instructions it received from ATF headquarters...(and) also found that this case highlighted the problems that can result from the delays in ATF’s inspection process." [More]
What have I been trying to get people to notice all along?
The last observation is of particular interest for Gun Rights Examiner, as administrative actions, or more precisely, the lack of uniform application and standardized treatment of FFLs, have been the subject of several prior columns, notably involving an action against Brink’s, Inc., where this column noted ATF was violating dealer license revocation rules in defiance of policy and law.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike's Caliphate

Jeez, I wish Ray Kelly were as tolerant of gun owners.  [More]

I can't help but wonder if the NYPD Muslim Officers Society marchers all used up personal vacation time to participate.  I mean, I'm sure the "progressive" separation activists would demand it, assuming that applies to mosque and state too, and not just to "traditional values" churches (noting they don't seem to have a problem with the goings-on over at St. Snuffy Martyr's either).

It's tough to tell because I can't find a registry for the group on either Guidestar or with the New York Division of Corporations...

We're the Only Ones Signing Off Enough

Good thing for the uppity Threeper gun owner that New York is a one-party consent state in re recording, otherwise, we'd have all the established protocol  justification we need to go in guns a-blazin'. [More]

Plus, all that property, you just know he's got a dog or two we could kill.