Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More recovered Mexican crime guns highlight inequities, unanswered questions

Has there been any follow-up on the other guns Arnberger sold him, and any resolution on how 20 of the guns ended up south of the border, with nine others traced to domestic crimes? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column presents more exclusive revelations no one else has reported on before and asks questions no one else has asked before, meaning it will most likely stay buried and obscure. Guess who has the power to change that?

A "Dear John" Letter

Dear Hyatt Gun Shop Inc, 

Authorize.Net LLC ("Authorize.Net") has determined that the nature of your business constitutes a violation of Section 2.xiv of the Authorize.Net Acceptable Use Guidelines and Sections 3.3 and 11.3 of the Authorize.Net Service Agreement (the "Agreement"). These sections include, but are not limited to, the sale of firearms or any similar product. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 4 of the Acceptable Use Guidelines, your ability to access and use the Authorize.Net Services will be terminated on September 30, 2013. [More] 
 Dear Authorize.Net LLC parent company CyberSource...

[Via Jeffersonian]

What Can We Get You With?

He said the Boulder District Attorney's Office is reviewing the case to make sure the homeowner did not violate any laws during the altercation. [More]
Yes, nothing like focusing on the real criminal issue here.

My two cents--not legal advice, but an opinion: Warning shots, if they must be given, are best aimed at the intruder's center mass. When he elects to proceed with his own movements after being apprehended, he is putting the home defender and the loved ones he is protecting in immediate danger and must be stopped instantly. Especially if he chooses to ignore explicit warnings and instructions and continue moving anyway.

And let your lawyer do your explaining.

[Via cydl]

The Solution of Tyrants

Invasion and occupation. [More]

It's what they do.

"Assault Weapons" Courtesy of "Real Reporters

Among the assault weapons surrendered was a Colt AR-15, a Mossberg assault shotgun and a World War II-era Japanese bolt-action rifle. [More]
What do you expect?  This comes from the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist CHRONIC AND SERIAL LIARS at the Associated Press.

They have no interest in the truth because the truth does not advance their agenda.

[Via Don F]

We're the Only Ones Shocking Enough

Sgt. Jeff Shelton: Really? [More]

This is how you view yourself? 

This is how you want others to view you?

You're sure...

[Via Carl S]

It's a Mad House. A MAAD-HOUSE!

That ougthtta calm 'em down. Maybe they could also get some apes to spray their inmates with a hose. [More]

What kind of idiot parent would give permission for this? And would the "law" allow them to do this in their home?

How very... soviet. This is so dangerous, on so many levels.  Figures "progressive educators" would be all for it. 

[Via Florida Guy]

The Big Difference

"What makes the NRA strong is that they can mobilize tens of thousands of people on a dime," he said. [More]
While Bloomberg mobilizes dozens on millions.

We're the Only Ones Not Recycling Enough

As Baltimore County police replace nearly 2,000 service weapons, they won't allow the old ones to be sold in gun shops — a decision that will prevent firearms from entering the open market but could triple the agency's cost. [More]
Then any manufacturer who expects our business should refuse to sell them new guns.

A Great Question

Harvard Law School professor David Barron, who previously served in a top-level position in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, was nominated today to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. [More]
John Richardson asks: "Given he was Acting Asst AG in the Office of Legal Counsel to Holder, did he have any connection with F&F?"

Well, his bio does indicate  "he provided advice on a wide range of national security and domestic legal issues,"  and we know White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler would not allow former National Security Counsel official Kevin O'Reilly to testify before Issa's committee...

Perhaps not--DOJ is a big department and their individual assistant AGs don't have their fingers in everything that's going on, but it certainly merits looking into before automatically rubber-stamping this drone strike-endorsing apparatchik.

A Safe Assumption

“If someone is going to rob you and point a gun at you, you can assume they have intent to kill you and take your worldly possessions,” Neer said Tuesday. [More]
So when the antis tell us to just give them what they want, what are they really telling us?

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Over in CSGV "Monopoly of Violence" Paradise

The police are widely considered to be corrupt and in collusion with criminal groups. [More]

All that and torture, rape and murder, too!

In response to yesterday's GRE, here is further documentation on what a corrupt police state hellhole the land of "common sense gun safety laws" truly is.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you if the hive insects have their way.

[Via Joanne D. Eisen]

Today's the Day!

What a presumptuous piece of excrement. [More]

Look for "executive actions" from the dictator to follow, particularly as they deal with imports.

UPDATE: Workman wanted me to make it more clear who I was referring to in my opener. Having seen the pointy toes on those cowboy boots he wears, I think it's safe  to assume I'm  not going to start any trouble with him...

UPDATE: Chris Woodard weighs in at Constitution Watch.


President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani appears to want to open a dialogue with the United States... [More]
And then...
Despite Obama overture, Iranians nix possibility of meeting with Rowhani
Maybe if you promise to bow to him...

Standing with Mike

In re this post at Sipsey Street Irregulars:

First off, there is no post on WoG where I have allowed a threat against an individual, particularly an innocent. My comment "House Rules" are posted in the left sidebar here.

In re moderating and "censorship," guilty with no apologies. I put the work into this blog. You don't like it, put the work into one of your own. My house, my rules, and unruly guests and trespassers are summarily evicted, just like in real life. I owe no one a forum, particularly people who don't hold up their end of the deal and even read my Examiner links, let alone go a step further and help me to feed my family by sharing them.

Right--the pop-ups are just too burdensome to ask anyone to endure. Thinking I wrote Kurt's article illustrates something that really grinds my gears--putting hours of labor into researching and then writing an article that substantiates all of its claims, and then having someone presume to comment on it who hasn't even read it.

In re Mike not responding in time, jeez, I guess the world revolves around you and getting everything chop-chop, doesn't it? It never enters your mind that Mike might have other priorities, including well-publicized severe health issues that may preclude his hopping right to it every time someone snaps their fingers? The automatic conclusion is it must be attributable to his character defects and feet of clay?

And in re everyone who's not satisfied that the shooting war hasn't started, seems to me the guilty party is looking back at you in the mirror -- why haven't you led the charge? Everyone has a different line in the sand that typically will not be crossed until it gets close to home. Yeah, all the readers here are going to rise up en masse at Mike's cue -- the same ones who won't send him a buck a month, or share a link or send an email.

Enough. I've got work to do. And I'm not accepting comments on this post because I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks about it.  If you don't like that, go someplace else.  No skin off my nose.

Still Standing

What have you done to stand with him? [More]

This Day in History: September 25

Through another channel the last evening, it is said, the troops which lately embarked at New York have disembarked at Staten Island. All the accounts agree, that the people in New York are in the greatest confusion, packing up their effects... [More]