Friday, September 27, 2013

We're the Only Ones Fumbling Enough

One of the deputies, identified by Heather as Shawn Schnoor, “fumbled” with his pistol and trained it on Donald, ordering him to get on the ground. [More]
Those Crawford County boys aren't missing many meals, are they?

Check out their award-winning website.

Good grief.

Yeah, Deputy Fumbles, that shotgun is a handgun, excuse me, a rifle.

I see they also offer "hunter safety classes."  It would seem the most important hunter safety tip would be to put as much space between yourself and these goons as you can.

[Via Bluesgal]

Best Guess

Machine gun found in closet at JFK airport [More
Without any more facts it's tough to do more than wildly speculate. With that as caveat, here's mine:  It was brought in and stashed by an airport worker for use in a terror op, and there are probably more hidden, and not just at JFK.

Either that or it's another "Only Ones" story...

ATF ADA in Action

Agents hired a brain-damaged man to promote the store and set up drug and gun deals... [More]
Wait a minute--I thought Newell had been transferred to Mexico...?

I read crap like this and then recall public requests to Old Bloody Hands & Co. to do their damn job and provide oversight was treated with deliberate indifference when I made them over four damn years ago. It makes me wonder how many people would still be alive today if we had anyone with a shred of integrity and decency calling the damn shots.

Every Bit as Dangerous

Yeah, we're just like racist slave owners, isn't that the brush they keep trying to tar us with? [More]

But it is true they think we're dangerous--us having guns scares the hell out of them. This their increasingly hysterical drive to change that.

[Via Florida Guy]

Gomez ‘assault weapon’ ban editorial alienates gun owners

“To the professional political critics, I simply offer this: volunteer for the Navy or for the other armed services, successfully go through SEAL or other special forces training,” he offers. “Then you will be fully qualified and prepared to fire as many assault weapons with unlimited high capacity magazines as you desire.” [More
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes another opportunistic “Republican,” one who talks about “respect” and “agreeing to disagree” while erecting a political scaffold that’s taking on an increasingly ominous shape.

UPDATE: See important follow-up “Former SEAL schools Gabriel Gomez on guns and freedom.”

Starve the Beast

Another reason I never read US News and World Report anymore. [More
You'll note I linked to Mike's piece, not to theirs. That's because every comment I see posted at the cited article was driven there by pro-gun sites. I recognize many of the comment posters from here, Gun Rights Examiner and Sipsey Street. We are driving readership to them, and rewarding a subversive enterprise that is on the ropes with page views that bolster its ability to generate ad revenues:
Starting in June 2008, the magazine reduced its publication frequency in three steps. It switched in June 2008 from weekly to biweekly. In November 2008 it decreased to monthly. In November 2010, it was reported that U.S News & World Report would be switched to an online-only format, effective after it published its December issue, with the exception of print publishing special issues on colleges, hospitals, and personal finance.
Ignore these domestic enemies. Let their irrelevance be their doom. Let them continue throwing good money after bad until they drown in red ink and can't pay smug little propagandists like "Assistant Opinion Editor" Pat Garofalo any more.

Let them starve.

And the Hits Just Keep On Comin'

Now that they see any serious inquiry into Fast and Furious has been sidelined, they can continue on with the lying talking points that were temporarily muted while they were dealing with that distraction from their agenda...[More]

We're the Only Ones Tolerant Enough

Well isn't that mighty damn nice of them.

They'll allow it--except when they don't.

I'm so glad we hire and pay people to tell us what they'll let us do, and punish us when we displease them.

Anyone curious as to what the sentiment was about such matters back in the day?

"Place the sovereignty in the PEOPLE, and all the mysteries of government which have arisen out of kingcraft and priestcraft tumble to the dust," states a passage from "One of the People," Philadelphia Federal Gazette, July 2, 1789. "What should we think of a gentleman, who, upon hiring a waiting-man, should say to him—'my friend, please to take notice, before we come together, that I shall always claim the liberty of eating when and what I please, of fishing and hunting upon my own ground, of keeping as many horses and hounds as I can maintain, and of speaking and writing my sentiments upon all subjects.' A servant must be a fool, who would not suppose such a master to be a madman... Let these truths sink deep into our hearts: that the people are the masters of their rulers and that rulers are the servants of the people..." 
How many children in public schools anywhere in America can cite a teacher or a textbook calling that to their attention? How many of you can?

I wonder if Garland County prosecuting attorney Steve Oliver ever heard it, or would care if he did.

[Via Steve D. Jones]

Bumming Cigarettes

"Indeed, we were told that ATF's Undercover Review Committee did not meet between February 2005 and January 2012,'' the inspector general found. [More]
Guess who'd been in charge for half a year by that last date...?
Voth was an on-the-ground team supervisor for the operation, and last month he was moved to Washington to become branch chief for the ATF's tobacco division.
Yeah, him.

By Way of Comparison

Putin v Obama. [More]

It's funny 'cause it's true.

If Only...

Missed this from a few months back:
Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

This Day in History: September 27

September 27, 1781, Washington issued the general orders for the advance on British General Cornwallis at Yorktown. [More]