Monday, October 07, 2013

NFL rule revokes ‘only ones’ status of off-duty police

But back to the suddenly non-elite Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, bemoaning the loss of their privileged status: These are the same folks whose “leadership” did everything in their power to ensure that we mere mundanes would dine out defenselessly. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner field report throws a flag on unsportsmanlike conduct.

Great Expectations

Should members of Congress actually know the Constitution and how it is supposed to work? [More]
Ha! Good one!

Armed American Radio Redux

Last night's program recapped by Mark Walters:
One of the more powerful AAR broadcasts in recent memory.  In studio guest former LEO and past president of Georgia Carry -Ed Stone along with David Codrea for 3 solid hours. Sentenced to prison for 7 years by corrupt NJ officials, the heartbreaking story of NJ resident Brian Aitken as he fights to clear his name.  Former anti-gun journalist turned pro-gun journalist, Tom Skoch and from Burlington Vt, Mr. Evan Hughes explains the democrat city leaders of Burlington’s efforts to enact gun control agains the state pre-emption laws with the help of NYC nanny tyrant, Michael Bloomberg.
 I trust everyone read this, and at minimum helped out by spreading the word?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

The Tallest Tale: U.K. Crime is Down…NOT [More
The latest from Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan J. Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen...

Not that I claim a crystal ball or anything, but I have a feeling we're going to be hearing more and more about UK homicides over the coming years...

So If They Don't Have the Money... are they gonna enforce it?  [More]

Oh, they have the money for that?

[Via Jess]

It's Bush's Fault

Enjoy the coming Caliphate, ladies... [More

And no, sorry, not anymore.

We Demand Government Deprive Us of Our Rights!

I know they think they're demanding it happen to someone else, but that's what these useful idiots are really saying. [More]

Because It's Easier Than Going After Criminals

Well, it is a place of education, and if the kid is paying attention, they just taught him plenty. [More]

They're not just "gun free zones," are they? "Zero tolerance" is for a lot more than that.

And you wanted to go into the Air Force...

This is what happens when you let "progressives" assume positions of authority, with the power to set loose the brownshirts.
Chitwood said the campus officer and the administrators told him, “Instead of making a scene out of you, we’ll put a warrant out for you and you can turn yourself in at the jail.’”
Really? What are their names?  Why haven't the villagers grabbed torches and chased these monsters out?

[Via William T]


It projects itself in such an ugly way. [More]


Prodded by a well-organized and well-funded gun lobby, lawmakers have rejected practically all reasonable regulations, including comprehensive background checks, bans on assault rifles, and limits on the size of magazines. [More]
Aw, c'mon, Toledo Blade--that's not all you think would be "reasonable."

Why be so coy? Why not lay all your cards out on the table, and tell us what you think would be reasonable after that, and after that...?


It is questionable why the Hartford Police Department would make an arrest based on the circumstances that they have used to publicly smear Lieutenant Patterson. The Connecticut General Statutes are quite clear on this issue, and the legislature did not change the relevant elements of the ‘safe storage’ statute when they repealed it and substituted new language on 4/4/2013. CGS §29-37i specifically addresses the storage of loaded firearms, not unloaded. [More]
Because going after non-criminals is safe and easy.

Searching for a Definition

I believe the word "Dupnik" should live on in infamy.

For this reason.  And this.

WRSA gives us more reasons.

And recalls a blast from the past.

But wait, as Billy Mays used to say, there's more!

So: How would you define "Dupnik," and would you limit it to a noun?

With Hope, But Not Much Faith

Vanderboegh lays out an eight-step program to help a jonesing abuser clean up and straighten out. [More]

Land of the Lost

Where illegals are legal and the Bill of Rights is illegal... [More]

For bizarro "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.